Archaeologists are about to unveil the secrets of an empty sarcophagus in Rostov


The new data obtained during research in 2018, hope to find answers to these questions. This is reported in the Indicator.Ru received by the editors. Press release.

The Uspensky Modern Cathedral, located on the Cathedral Square of Rostov the Great, was built in 1510-1512. It was preceded by two white stone cathedrals of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries and a wooden church which, according to the latest chronicles, would have been erected in 992 (although, according to archaeological data, its construction probably date from the middle of the 11th century). The walls of the 16th century brick cathedral were erected directly behind the foundations of the walls of the 13th century cathedral.

The thirteenth century sarcophagus, located near the wall of the north apse of the Assumption Cathedral at a depth of about two meters, became the most interesting research object of the l & # 39; shipping. For the first time, the tomb was found in 1994 by archaeologists from the Hermitage Museum's expedition. A little later, the restorers installed brick walls around the sarcophagus and covered it with a wooden floor, which in 2018.

This sarcophagus intrigues researchers. The fact is that it is empty and we do not know who it was prepared for. No information on the excavations of remains in the history of the cathedral at the documented time is unknown, and there is no trace indicating that the sarcophagus always the burial was committed.

Andrey Leontyev

member of the IA RAS expedition

"An empty coffin in a church is in any case a mystery that can lead to all sorts of reflections on the plot. The 2018 expedition measured and examined the sarcophagus and discovered that the lid of the grave was longer than the size of the stone box and eventually replaced the original one. In previous studies, this fact went unnoticed. "

But, as the scientists note, there is no doubt that this plaque represents the lid of this particular sarcophagus. The proof is the same and unique ornament on the plate and on the sides of the sarcophagus: concentric circles inscribed in rectangles, whose frames are formed by lines and a certain number of triangles. "The ornament and the sarcophagus refer to Vladimir-Suzdal the traditions. But, as a rule, such models were placed on tombstones, notes Leonid Belyaev, doctor of historical sciences. – We see here a unique case – a combination Vladimir-Suzdal sarcophagus and Vladimir-Suzdal sculptures on the sarcophagus. "As noted by the scientist, the image of the three concentric circles goes back to the ancient tradition badociated with the Romanesque and European burials of saints, itself stemming from the pre-Christian tradition of decorating the sarcophagus three crowns.

Later, in the saints' saints began cutting through the sides of the tomb three round windows through which you can touch the relics.

The difference between the size of the cover and the sarcophagus may indicate that the plaque was made later. But today, scientists do not have data indicating the time of manufacture of the plate.

According to Leonid Belyaev, both versions are possible and require further research because the sarcophagus envelopes are sometimes larger. "It's a plaque of his time, but it may be later, for example, the end XIII – XIV centuries.eka. Of course, it is suspect that the coverage is larger, it may not be "his own". But it will be difficult to prove because the lid and the sarcophagus are very similar, says the scientist. – Since the sarcophagus has been studied in more detail, it has been possible to establish that the cover has a different size, but that does not mean that it is not. All this must be better understood. "

Another strange feature of the sarcophagus is the shallow depth of its interior: only 28 centimeters.

It would be difficult to put a dead man in a box of such depth. Of course, with time, the internal depth of the sarcophagi has become less and less clear, but not to the same extent.

Andrey Leontyev

There are today two versions explaining the existence of an empty sarcophagus. It is presumed that the tomb belonged to St. Ignatius – the bishop of Rostov, who died in 1288. Since he was canonized, his relics could be transferred: it is known that during the last centuries Until the closing of the cathedral in 1936, they were located at the northern apse of the cathedral. But, as Andrei Leontev believes, this version is not confirmed by anything.

The second version of the sarcophagus property is also badociated with St. Ignatius. In 1279, one of the Rostov princes, Gleb Vasilkovich, died. He was buried and buried in the cathedral. But, as it was noted in subsequent annals, nine weeks later, his body was taken out of the tomb and re-buried "in the ground" in the Duchess of Spbadky's monastery. The reasons that led Ignatius to commit this act are unknown, but the bishop was punished by excommunication (with subsequent forgiveness). Therefore, the possibility is not excluded that the empty sarcophagus may have belonged to Gleb Vasilkovich.

As Andrei Leontyev noted, there is no evidence today that the sarcophagus in general no matter who was buried. Studies proving the presence of traces of organic matter have not yet been realized, but on the outside of the sarcophagus, the interior consists of clean walls with small dark spots, and it n & # 39; There is only soot on the upper part, probably traces of a fire of 1410. For whom was the sarcophagus prepared? no matter who buried and, where appropriate, where the remains were transferred, all of these issues have not yet been clarified and require further investigation.

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