At Gomel, the court examines my mother's lawsuit against the children's garden and rono. Respondents asked to close the process


On July 16, the Sovetsky District Court continued the review of a letter addressed to a single mother in a children 's garden, where the recipient had been threatened with. to be presented to SOS because the woman had not been employed for two weeks. Natalia filed a lawsuit against the District Education Department and Kindergarten No. 160 Gomel, who claimed compensation from them for moral damages in the amount of 1000 rubles. The mother of the girl tells that the latest events caused her a great deal of suffering, she and her daughter: educators humiliated her, insulted her, interfered in her privacy and disclosed personal data

  Photo: Elena Bychkova "border =" 960 "data-x-src =" "data-x-width =" 1280 "data-y- height = "540" data -y-src = "" data-y-width = "720" data-zoom = " 1 "height =" 540 "hspace =" 0 "src =" "title =" Photo: Elena Bychkova "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/> </p>
<p>  Both parties came to the next court session with their lawyers, although, as the complainant claims, to find the defender </p>
<p>  – Everyone to whom the woman asked was denied, the reason was not invoked, but I suspect that they did not want to come into conflict with the interests of the state, – commented Gomel. He helped <strong> Mama Natalia Bela </strong> in this process. </p>
<p>  At the very beginning, the defendants made a motion to make the process closed. The plaintiff objected. The court did not support the petition. </p>
<figure clbad=  Photo by Elena Bychkova "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 960 "data-x-src =" 2 / sop_pismo_sud2.jpg "data-x-width =" 1280 "data-y-height =" 540 "data-y-src =" /sop_pismo_sud2.jpg " data-y-width = "720" data-zoom = "1" height = "540" hspace = "0" src = " 10/2 / sop_pismo_sud2 .jpg "title =" Photo by Elena Bychkova "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Defendants with a lawyer </figcaption></figure>
<p>  Reminder, Natalia Belaya received in June of Kindergarten No. 160, who visits her daughter, a letter in which the garden informed the woman that, since she did not have a daughter, is not employed, his family is in an extreme situation and requires increased educational attention. In case Natalia does not work, warned in the letter, the garden administration "will be obliged to put her and the child in the family category of a socially dangerous situation." The letter itself was dated June 5th. At this time Natalia has not worked for more than two weeks. The indignant woman went to court. In her application, she pointed out that the written notification was considered by her to be a flagrant interference with her family's private life and privacy. The letter humiliated his human and civil dignity, long provoked moral pains, constant feelings for the future of his minor daughter, put in conditions of despair and despair. </p>
<p>  Defendants with claims are not in agreement. According to them, the garden and the manager do not intervene in private life for the sake of interest, but conduct a "social inquiry". The work was carried out on the basis of these normative and legal acts which oblige the educational establishments to engage in the early detection of family problems. Thus, the Ministry of Education believes that the complaint was filed by the applicant in the legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus, which are now implemented in educational institutions. state agencies have not violated the law, and a letter recommending a job is not an interference in privacy. The demands of the Ministry of Education are completely misplaced: from him no letter or other request has been received from Natalia. </p>
<p>  The plaintiff's lawyer objected that the higher authority controls the activities of the lower and that the Ministry of Education must intervene in the event. "- The garden has the status of separate legal entity and, in the education department, he did not know what was happening, – the defendants responded. </p>
<p>  The head of the children's garden (and the author of the letter) the reasons for his appearance. The child has routinely jumped the garden, often for no good reason, my mother did not answer the guardian's calls and refused to have a defectologist working with her daughter. At the same time, the main reason, mentioned above and mentioned in the letter, was the unavailability of a mother, for some unknown reason, the head of the kindergarten did not not expressed. </p>
<p>  Natalya Belaya in turn informs that she and her daughters were abused from day one. because of this, they say, the child was constantly in a state of stress and depression. In addition, according to the woman, the defectologist insulted her daughter. Just because she was free, she tried to leave the baby at home and not to drive to the garden. </p>
<p>  <img alt=

Already after the court session of TUT.BY asked Natalia the question about what, in her opinion, such a negative attitude towards her and her daughter from the children's garden was badociated.

– A strange situation. When we wrote a statement to the garden, the manager read that I was from Lelchits, and suddenly she said that she hated this city, she did not like its inhabitants. "She did not name the reason she said it was personal," Natalya replied. the meeting is scheduled for July 26 – a representative of the Ministry of Finance was summoned to him, since he can only pay compensation for prejudice alone, if the request is satisfied, the Education Department of the Executive Committee can not not. TUT.BY monitors the process

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