At Molodechno, a piece of cornice was detached on the boarder's balcony and a piece of cornice fell


Fragment of the roof cornice of the three-story house No. 7 on Volyntsa Street in Molodechno fell with an overnight accident on July 22, writes MLYN.BY.

  Photo: MLYN.BY
Photo: MLYN.BY

In apartment # 26, on the third and last floor of the house, lives a married couple – retired Raisa and Future

– My husband and I are disabled from the second group. On Sunday, they returned with their children – they were at the dacha. The children left and we went to sleep. I'm in the hallway, my husband is in the room. At night, I woke up with a terrible roar. I was afraid of death. I did not understand where I was. First thought: the war has begun. Then she came back to herself, thinking that her husband had dropped something in the room. I woke him up. We went together to the balcony to see if the children had left something there, and he fell. No, that's not it. We went to bed. Only in the morning they noticed that a piece of cornice had fallen from the roof, – says the owner.

  Photo: MLY.B.
Photo: MLYN.BY

According to the woman, the cornice on the roof of their balcony was built in 2011 for the republican holiday "Dazhynki".

– It has already fallen one day, "says the owner. – Probably, the water flows there, and the cornice does not hold. At that time, communal workers came and went backwards. And now he has collapsed again.

On Monday, July 23, debris from the ledge under the windows of the house was removed. The place of the fall was fenced with a ribbon.

  Photo: МЛЫН.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 600 "data-x-src =" molodechno-karniz- 3.jpg "data-x-width =" 900 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" f / molodechno-karniz -3.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" / n / 0d / f / molodechno-karniz-3.jpg "title =" Photo: МЛЫН.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Photo: MLYN.BY </figcaption></figure>
<p>  House No. 7 in Volynets serves the ZHREU No. 2 EU "Communalnik". The comment to the company was refused. </p>
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