At the Ministry of Defense again began to talk about motives for conscripts


Defense Minister Andrei Ravkov said Belorussia was improving the social protection of conscripts. According to him, in addition to equipping troops with modern weapons, the priority in the armed forces is to strengthen the motivation of the military. To this end, changes are made to the legislation.

What transformations are we talking about? In particular, this year, the monetary allocation for conscripts has more than doubled, a new uniform has been developed and introduced and proposals are being developed to improve the social protection of this category of military personnel.

"To motivate the service, we are considering a number of points in the bill, – quotes Ravkova BelTA. – It is now approved by state authorities. Some measures will be considered to reduce the number of postponements. These elements of motivation are set by law, such as certain privileges in the provision of homes for the duration of studies, training in preparatory courses at the expense of the budget of the republic. ". An initiative is being implemented to guarantee young people who, prior to military service, have worked, preserving their jobs, regardless of the form of ownership of the organization that employs them. Previously, only those who worked in public organizations used this right.

"Of course, a number of measures will be defined to increase the responsibility of young people in eliminating military service, because some things must be regulated by law. This work is long, difficult, progressive. I think that in the near future, the bill will be submitted to Parliament for consideration ", – noticed Ravkov.

Earlier, representatives of the Department of Defense have already talked about changes to the law. In particular, they proposed to grant a one-time continuation of the training (to date, 47 different postponements are granted in Belarus). They want people who are legally entitled to a stay to continue their education and receive a specialty in military registration. Similarly, a person who has done his military service, compared to those who run away or escape, have certain advantages to enter the universities, colleges on equal points, settling in a home, with distribution. We also talked about free, because of the budget, the preparatory courses for demos.

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