At the poisoning of the Fiddles involved GRU staff


British law enforcement forces believe that employees of the Russian Intelligence Directorate (GRU) are involved in the poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, reports the New York Times on Sunday, July 15th. on the state of progress of the investigation.

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<p>  According to New York Times sources, an attack on the Violins in Salisbury was conducted by current or former officials of the GRU. At the same time, it is possible that representatives of other Russian special services are behind the poisoning. British police authorities are close to "naming specific individuals that they believe led the operation," an American source told the newspaper. </p>
<p>  Two days earlier, the US Department of Justice filed a complaint against 12 officers of the GRU. They are accused of interfering in the presidential elections in the United States by pirate attacks </p>
<h2>  The ex-ladder of GRU and former dual agent Sergei Skripal, as well as his daughter Julia, were found unconscious on a bench in central Salisbury on 4 March. According to the investigation, the poison was applied to the door handle of the house of Skripal about a day before poisoning. British authorities believe that the Violins were poisoned with the "Novice" neurogenic agent, developed in the USSR. Moscow resolutely rejects all accusations </p>
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