Attack at the bank of Zaslavl: the operation of release of the hostage was conducted by the Minister of the Interior


This information was confirmed to the correspondent by the official representative of the Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Executive Committee of Minsk Oblast Evgeny Sachek. An official of the Department of Internal Affairs, Yevgeny Sachek, said: "The investigation team is working on the premises of the bank branch in the Minsk region, where today, the Police authorities and the administration of the regional police department have left the scene. the man took a woman hostage, – reported in the United Kingdom.

Sovetskaya Street in the area of ​​100-102 houses was blocked: people and cars were not allowed. Near the building and in the building of "Avenue", the rapid intervention services worked, reports

– I just came to dinner and saw such an image says the reader Agshin. – The entire street Sovetskaya is closed. From beginning to end. No one is allowed to enter the cordon. All possible services have come. There were firefighters and then they left. I see the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The riot police have arrived. There is the local police. My friends say that he took his wife as a hostage. But until now, nobody knows anything about anything. What does he want? What does it require? The building is cordoned off.

The Investigation Committee does not confirm the information that the hostage is the wife of the aggressor.

The operation of release of the hostage in Zaslavl was conducted by the Minister of the Interior Igor Shunevich

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