Authorities have again promised to deal with Asian traders who sell cheap goods


The authorities again decided to tackle the problem with Central Asian traders, who sell low-cost light industry products. According to some Belarussian IP, Asians trade too cheaply and with many violations. This problem was discussed on the eve of the MART meeting, attended by entrepreneurs from Minsk, Molodechno, Rechitsa, Berezino, Borisova and representatives of this agency, as well as the Ministry of Taxes, the Ministry of Finance, Economy, the Ministry of Health and the State Standard. "0" data-zoom = "1" height = "540" hspace = "0" src = "" title = "Photo: TUT. BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

Photo: TUT.BY

– Current situation of small businesses, existing and potential socio-economic problems related to the operation of facilities that sell low-cost light industry goods with violation of the legislation in force (without documents confirming the quality of the goods, without reflecting the transactions by means of a cash summing device, etc.), – note in MART.

In the public badociation "Perspective", it is noted that "an agreement was reached on the commission of"

– The First Deputy Minister of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade, Artur Karpovich proposed to settle all known facts of violations or possible violations in Asian shops, which will be transferred to the Ministry of Taxes and the Ministry of Health and other agencies. Working groups will be created and there will be a follow-up of these stores In MART, they add that information on the quality and safety of goods purchased by consumers can be found on the website of the agency

the authorities earlier this year said that they were planning to tackle the problem with traders in Central Asia. was not resolved.

Remember that the inspe The state's standard ction continues to monitor the work of Central Asian traders who, at low prices, sell light industry products. This year, inspectors found violations of nearly 99% of product names. The department said which violations are most common among Central Asian traders.

In the first quarter of this year, Gosstandart specialists oversaw the work of 99 commercial entities that sell light industry products from Central Asia. , violations are established for 1643 names. Igor Busel

head of the state control department of technical regulations and metrological control of the National Standard, specified above that violations had been found for nearly 99% of the goods controlled. for the verification of newly created business entities within two years from the date of registration. And most Central Asian traders opened stores less than two years ago, that is to say that they are not subject to inspections. unplanned, they only monitor ] says Igor Bussel. In addition, many merchants of Central Asia have no documents for goods that confirm its safety and compliance with the technical rules of the Customs Union – certificates of conformity , declarations of conformity.

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<figure clbad=  Alexandra Kvitkevich,
The woman continued to work in retirement. Now she has to pay the state more than 1700 rubles
  Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" https: // /n/zamirovskiy/0b/a/03_pensionery_dengi_pokupki_20180627_zam_tutby_phsl.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" https: //img.tyt .by / 720x720s / n / zamirovskiy / 0b / a / 03_pensionery_dengi_pokupki_20180627_zam_tutby_phsl.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "zoom-data =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https: // /720x720s/n/zamirovskiy/0b/a/03_pensionery_dengi_pokupki_20180627_zam_tutby_phsl.jpg "title =" Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> In Belarus, a further increase in the age of retirement is allowed. How the authorities went to the current reform </figcaption></figure>
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