BATE only in overtime squeezed the club of the first league in the 1/16 match of the Belarus Cup | SPORTS.TUT.BY


BATE in the experimental composition did not easily beat the club of the first league "Energetik" -BGU in 1/16 of the Belarus Cup. The main time was over with the score 1: 1, and the Borisov team proved stronger in overtime.

  Photo: Alexander Kakshinsky, BATE FC
Photo: Alexander Kakshinsky, BATE FC

Energetik-BSU-BATE – 1: 2

July 11th. Minsk. RCOR-BSU stage

Energetik-BSU: A. Kharitonovich, I. Raschenya, V. Krivitsky, P. Grechishko, M. Bely, A. Petrusevich, A. Nosko (k), D. Yaschovich, V Vasiliev, A. Potemkin, E. Yudchits.

BATE: A. Chichkan, I. Manaenkov, I. Kissel, A. Shkurdyuk, M. Volodko, E. Yablonsky, A. Nemirko, M. Skavysh, V. Mukhamedov, J. Tuominen, N. Signevich.

Goals: 0: 1 – Tuominen (2). 1: 1 – Yudchits (64). 1: 2 – Sen (101).

Alexei Baga had a very unusual lineup of players, whose age was barely 20, leaving the team leaders well off.

Borisov quickly opened the scoring, almost in the first attack of the second. 1 minute ago Ybade Tuominen scored a goal. However, the hosts did not collapse and tried to threaten the door of a formidable opponent.

In the second half, BATE was able to increase the gap in the score, but did not realize his moment, but the hosts played. The goal in the 64th minute was scored by Evgeny Yudchits, transferring the game in overtime.

In added time, young Boris Ichan Syan, who blocked Maxim Volodko's pbad, scored the winning goal

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