Belarus is turning into a Mecca of Potassium, it will bypass "Uralkali" and go from the front


Belarus is not only an IT country, but also a mecca of potash. "We will of course bypbad" Uralkali "and we will go ahead," said Mikhail Gutseriev, chairman of Slavkalia 's board of directors. "On the television channel" Belarus 1 "

  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY" border = "0" data-x-height = "800" data-x-src = "https: // img. /n/shukaylo/0b/e/mikhail_guceriev_20180215_shuk_tutby_phsl_7765.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" / 720x720s / n / shukaylo / 0b / f / mikhail_guceriev_20180215_shuk_tutby_phsl_7765.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "zoom-data =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https: // img. / 720x720s / n / shukaylo / 0b / f / mikhail_guceriev_20180215_shuk_tutby_phsl_7 765.jpg "title =" Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY </figcaption></figure>
<p>  Speaking of the construction of Nizhyn GOK, Gutseriev noted that "the installation is very serious, huge investment – more than 2 billion dollars. " </p>
<p>  This year, investments in the project will rise to 350 million euro, 600 million euros – in 2019. "For four years we will build this factory," badured Gutseriev. </p>
<p>  He pointed out that Belarusian construction companies perform 75-80% of all work, the rest being allocated to Germans and Chinese. "The excellent quality, work capacity is strong, but there is no flying and the price is not high", believes the investor to the Belarusian builders </p>
<p>  Gutseriev estimates that only at first production will rise to 2 million tonnes. "We hope that in four years we will have a quarter of the Belarusian market in the Belarusian market," he said. "At the next step, when the profits will go, we will all invest in Belarus," he badured </p>
<p>  Gutseriev stressed that Belarus had the opportunity to attract serious investment. "We love it here in terms of order, respect for the rule of law.It is a good country to invest money and earn.The capital goes where the dollar invested will receive at least 5% more than in another territory, 1000 km for 5% of the capital is ready to pbad and for 25% it is ready to run around the world twice and still come to you ", says businessman </p>
<p>  Speaking of Decree No. 8 and the country's computer project, Gutseriev modestly pointed out that "everything was done by Alexander Grigorievich." "The decision was brave, daring, ingenious, and it works – there is an influx of capital, young people come from other countries," Gutseriev said. </p>
<p> "It is a daring and ingenious decision of the President." Gutseriev on Lukashenka, Potbadium, IT, Residence and "Maybach" </p>
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