Belarus received an additional battery of Russian Tor-M2 missile systems before the scheduled date


Concern VKO "Almaz – Antey" has prematurely handed over to the Belarussian military department a batch of anti-aircraft missile (SAM) systems "Tor-M2", reported

"At the customer's request, the cars were badembled one month earlier than the contract period. Representatives of the Belarussian side who visited IEMZ Kupol (owned by VKO Almaz-Antei Concern) were satisfied with the high quality of the order, "said the press service of the company Wednesday.


On February 14, 2018, Belarusian Defense Minister Andrei Ravkov announced that his country would purchase a Tor-M2 anti-aircraft defense system in the Russian Federation.

"The anti-aircraft missile system Tor-M2 – this year we buy a battery," said A. Rawkov at a press conference held Wednesday in Minsk.

"Tor-M2" is an all-weather air defense system designed for anti-aircraft and missile defense at a distance of 15 km and an altitude of 10 km. He has been serving in military air defense (land forces) since 2015. Developed and produced relates to VKO "Almaz-Antey."

According to the group's press service, Belarus' current air defense system is currently the fifth.

"A delegation led by the Deputy Minister of Defense of Belarus, Sergei Simonenko, participated in its acceptance. This is further evidence that the Belarusian Ministry of Defense highly appreciates cooperation with Concern VKO Almaz – Antey, "the press service said.

It should be noted here that the Tor-M2 is the last modification of the Tor system. Key features of this change include a doubled ammunition package, including 16 new 9M338K anti-aircraft missiles with an expanded defeat zone, increased firing accuracy, and reduced weight and size parameters. The launch interval for rockets from a combat vehicle is two seconds. Thus, as part of the battery, the air defense system Tor-M2 can very quickly reflect the mbadive attack of modern means of air attack, says the report.

"The first order of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus for the delivery of the Tor M2K air defense system was received in 2010 and it was already filled in 2011," the statement said.

The Ministry of Defense of Belarus previously announced that the contract with Concern VKO "Almaz-Antey" for the provision of the current air defense system had been concluded at the end of the month of October 2017.

According to the Defense Ministry, the first batteries of the Tor-M2 anti-aircraft missile system were put into service by the 120th Air Defense Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade in 2011 and 2012. In early 2014, the anti-aircraft missile division Tor-M2, consisting of three batteries, was formed in the 120th Brigade. At the end of last year, this anti-aircraft missile system came into service with the 740th Missile Brigade.

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