Belarusian basketball players (U17) suffered a defeat with a 52-point difference in the second match of the World Cup at home


Belarusian basketball players suffered a crushing defeat with a difference of 52 points in their second duel at the world home championships for girls under 17


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<figcaption> Photo: fiba. basketball </figcaption></figure>
<p>  On July 22, the Belarusian girls lost against the Japan team – 52: 104 (9:21, 6:28, 22: 37,15: 18). </p>
<p>  In another match of our preliminary group <strong> "A" [19459004TheFrenchteamtodaystarredontheColumbia-78:35</p>
<p>  It is worth remembering that the Belarusians have won a spectacular victory over Colombia on July 21st. </p>
<p>  The rivals of the Belarussian national team will be the French of <strong> on July 24 </strong>). The match will take place at the Minsk Sports Palace and start at 8:30 pm </p>
<p>  According to the results of the World Cup group stage, all teams will be split in two and will start the fight in the 1/8 finals. already for the fifth time. In the three starting tournaments in a row, female athletes have invariably become champions (2010, 2012, 2014). And at the previous world championship, held two years ago in the Spanish arena, basketball players from Australia became the triumphs, beating the Italian team in the decisive match. </p>
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