Belarusian chess player Vladislav Kovalev took third place at the tournament in Dortmund


Belarusian chess player Vladislav Kovalev took third place at the Dortmund tournament in Germany, BelTA learned from the press service of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism.

  Vladislav Kovalev is gone. Photo of the website
Vladislav Kovalev – on the left. Photo by

The winner of the prestigious competitions was the Russian Ian Nepomnyashchy, who scored five points in seven sets. Second place with four points was taken by Anish Giri of the Netherlands. Vladislav Kovalev and Polish grandmaster Jan-Krzysztof Duda scored the same number of points who took the third and fourth places respectively on additional indicators.

In the tournament, the Belarusian forced against Anish Giri tied with Jan-Krzysztof Duda Jan Nepomnyashchiy, Georg Mayer, Liviu-Dieter Nisipyan, Radoslav Wojtaszek and Vladimir Kramnik

The first tournament of Chess in Dortmund took place in 1928, but only since 1973 has become a traditional tournament. At the beginning of the 1990s, the competitions reached a new level – the greatest masters of the world began to participate, 10 times it was won by Vladimir Kramnik

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