Belarussian Chapel in London – the best religious building of the year


The Belorussian Memorial Chapel in London is recognized as the best religious building of the year at the World Architecture Festival in Amsterdam (the largest international forum, similar to the film Oscars). About this on his Facebook page, said the architecture firm Spheron Architects, who developed the construction project.

"I am so happy that more than two thousand architects from all over the world have heard the name of" Belarus ", said the architect of the chapel at the TUT.BY Zzwai So (Tszwai So). "After all, the World Architecture Festival is the largest conference of architects in the world.

Eight religious buildings from Turkey, Iran, Australia, Thailand, India, Singapore and Portugal were competitors of the Belarussian Chapel in London. Evaluated their architects, known around the world. Among them – "the greatest architect of his generation" David Adjaye. Manuel Gotran. Mohsen Mostafavi. Natalie de Vries and others. They considered the Belarussian Memorial Chapel in the British capital to be the best.

In addition, the chapel will fight for the victory in the nomination "The best use of wood". And the title of the best religious building gave the right to claim the title of "World Building of the Year". The results of the jury evaluation will be announced by the evening of November 30th.

– I am very happy. Not only because this building – the only religious building in the UK – was nominated for the award. It is also the only Belarusian finalist building. After all, I think they are British and Byelorussians, "he said after his nomination for the Tszyvay So Award. – Being a finalist is already a great honor for me. I do not expect to win, but the fact that my work is considered among the nine best religious buildings in the world this year is a source of pride and happiness.

Tszwai So (Tszwai So) – British architect from Hong Kong. In 2016, he completed the construction of the Belarussian Greek Catholic Church in London, of which he himself became a parishioner.

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