Block: banks require justification for transfers in thousands of rubles


Source: New

Banks began to ask customers to justify the economic meaning of operations for small amounts – up to 1,000 rubles. If citizens refuse to provide the credit institution with documents explaining these transactions, their card or account may be blocked. This problem was encountered by customers of the bank, Tinkoff Bank and Sberbank, told the victims "Izvestia". According to the experts, financial institutions are trying to resist illegal schemes and fraud – for example, the departure of businessmen from the payment of their taxes. However, at the Central Bank, "Izvestia" explained that this practice is illegal and that citizens can file a complaint with the regulator.

Three days to report

This month, banks' financial supervisors began calling customers of Russian credit institutions and asked them to provide various documents relating to their operations, for amounts of 1,000 rubles. In general, these are p2p transfers, that is transfers between citizens.

Anastasia from Moscow received a call from Binbank and learned that her credit card would be canceled if she did not explain the economic significance of the transactions with "plastic" for 1,000 rubles.

– specialist call center I've listed all the documents that need to be transferred to her in WhatsApp. There was a written justification of the economic significance of the transfer of funds, documents confirming the origin of the funds (a detailed statement of the deposit), a written explanation of the purpose of spending money on the card, said Anastasia in Izvestia. – I was given three days to collect documents.

As a result, the victim's credit card was not blocked because her friend works at the bank, which helped to solve the problem.

A similar problem was met by Nikolai Muscovite. He made a transfer to 1 thousand rubles from the map of Sberbank to "plastic" Alpha Bank. The operation raised questions with the financial monitoring service of Sberbank. After lengthy trials and the provision of documents confirming the economic meaning of the transaction, the translation all the same was made. But Nikolai has not used the services of the state bank since.

And Vitaly Muscovite Tinkoff Bank invited to provide photos of cards from which 1,000 rubles were transferred to his "plastic".

Fraud monitoring The credit agency wanted to make sure that the transfers are not fraudulent. The "plastic" of the young man was blocked until he provided the graphics cards.

In Press service BINBANK, Sberbank and Tinkoff Bank did not answer Izvestia 's questions about blocking customers' cards with money transfers in the amount of 1,000 rubles.

Receipt of complaints

In Press service The Central Bank has specified that, as part of the fight against fraud, the bank is obliged to suspend the transaction and contact the customer only if it considers that the transaction contains signs indicating the probability of its execution without the consent the owner of the funds.

Such a sign may include inconsistency of the amount and frequency of transfers in the customer's typical payment behavior, as explained in Press service Bank of Russia.

But in this case, the credit the organization does not have to determine the origin of the funds nor the purpose of the payment, said the regulator's representatives. All she needs is receive from the customer the confirmation of the departure of the money or the refusal of the operationthey explained.

"We have not received any complaints about blocking mbad transfers between citizens by credit organizations", Press service regulator. – If bank customers encounter such problems, the Central Bank recommends filing a complaint with the bank. Internet reception.

Bank policy aims to combat various illegal schemes, said Sergey Deineka, financial badyst at BCS Premier. According to him, the increased attention paid to p2p transfers for amounts of the order of 1,000 rubles can be explained by the fact that these operations have recently been more often used for the conduct of business. 39 commercial activities and the provision of services, transforming for many small entrepreneurs an acquisition badogue that creates convenient floor for tax evasion.

The maximum that the bank can charge the customer is a verbal confirmation of the call telling him that he has actually carried out the transaction, said Murad Salikhov, advisor to the board of directors of the bank. Financial Innovations Association. The bank does not have the right to request documents on p2p transfers, he added. Asking citizens for P2P transfers papers, banks violate established legislative standards, the expert said. He believes that customers can complain not only to the Central Bank but also to the court.

Finrazvedka not aware

Banks fight against illegal transactions in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing. Under current legislation, the credit agencies inform Rosfinmonitoring of all transactions of an amount exceeding 600 000 rubles. The rules on combating illegal transactions are drawn up independently by the credit institutions and, in accordance with them, can require from the customer documents confirming the payment of 600,000 rubles, said the Vice-President. Loko Bank Andrey Lyushin.

Deputy head of Rosfinmonitoritoring Pavel Livadny did not answer Izvestia's question about blocking p2p transfers by banks for 1,000 rubles. A source close to Rosfinmonitoring told Izvestia that the financial intelligence did not know that the rules to combat illegal banking operations implied the ability to require citizens to explain the transfers for such a small amount. The interviewee clarified that Rosfinmonitoring was not aware of this practice when credit agencies committed to blocking an account or a card if the customer did not justify the economic significance of small point transfers. residence.

The volume of transfers between citizens for January-October 2018 amounted to 3.7 billion rubles, one and a half times higher than the figure for the same period last year.

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