Pavel Bocharnikov is an entrepreneur, investor, founder of a debt service dolgovnet.by. He has been engaged in an entrepreneurial activity since 1997. During this time, he creates an engineering company specializing in security systems, and broadens his profile to the production of equipment to fight against accidents. fire, founded a company to provide construction services, artisbad chocolate production, a computer business. Currently, the owner of eight companies.
I regularly hear the lamentations of the leaders of private and public companies that it is impossible to develop because of the constant debts that the partners come back in months and sometimes in years. Like, we would have a decent market, with solvent and solvent businessmen – and the economic wheel of Belarus would turn out much faster, when healthy and responsible proteins would run into it. And because of non-payments, wages do not progress, business deteriorates and machine tools remain inactive. Debts have exhausted our economy, they are suddenly sinking many companies with competitive products and underdeveloped markets. And with them hundreds of ordinary workers go to the bottom, who have lost decent incomes.
Now I'm going to explain what's the trick here for people who have survived the bankruptcy of a company where they have been working for many years or who are waiting for this unpleasant day-to-day event. So, in most cases, the tragedy occurred not because the evil partners did not pay on time, but because your leaders were inflexible and could not agree. In other words, the direction of your deceased or in a state of agony closes in most of the problems that arise is to blame themselves. Let's look at what is going on side
Today, with a long list of creditors, the priority of payment is turning into currency of exchange. If money is missing and the company director decides who and when to repay the debt, he immediately generates a potential corruption scheme: "I will pay to whoever is closest to me". But there are reasonable and legitimate ways to get rid of the burden of debt. The first is to sell your debts, get the money and pay off all the creditors without serious consequences. The second is to accept and cancel all the debts of the chain.
When we started to collect accounts receivable, we saw how beautiful companies with which we have successfully cooperated for years, become malicious criminals not because they are bad and that they are bad. they are trying to "throw" someone. All wanted to pay and continue working, but they had no receipts from the following market players. In other words, they could only repay their debts after repaying their debts.
At first glance, the situation is uneven. But after we studied it more deeply, the next picture opened up: the construction companies (especially the state-owned companies), being our debtors, were waiting for the time to At the same time, the debtors of these construction companies kept a lot of goods in their warehouses, many of which were not requested, but even rare.
We finally adopted a flexible approach: they did not ask the debtor for money but tried to solve the problem by redistributing duty on the principle "you owe us, they are for you, we change our debt and close the question". And it worked.
Anecdote in the subject. The wealthy tourist came to a provincial town, went to the hotel and said: "I need a number" . The receptionist replied that the room cost $ 100. The tourist gives money as collateral and will see if the suites suit him. At this point, the receptionist runs her head and gives $ 100 to a baker, who has long been in debt. The baker immediately transferred this money to the driver who had already waited a long time for delivery. The driver returned a late $ 100 fine to the police officer. The policeman gave the bearer $ 100 in debt, which he took for his friendship a year ago. At this moment, the tourist returned to the reception, which did not like the room. He took collateral money and left the house. Nobody has become richer. But in the end, the whole city began to live more peacefully and to consider the future with insight.
Basically, we used this principle and as a result, in early 2016, all of my businesses got rid of their debts. We accepted any product, any compensation, any combination that would allow us to close the issues and let the partners work further, and not sit still with the ephemeral consciousness that we owe a lot and we are rich of what we owe a lot.
The problems arose only because of the inability to negotiate the people who fixed in their minds some debt. She, of course, grew up, invaded by criminal penalties, interests … Debts, including fines, were already perceived by business leaders as their money. But they were not in their hands. Merchants with air!
Drawing on our practical experience and having studied the problem from all sides, we have created a project that can solve the problem in a modern way. It works like this: There is a virtual database of corporate debts between them, and by placing information on their creditors or unpaid invoices, you allow the program to select a debt clearing channel. There will, in fact, be a story I told in a joke above. In addition, our site gives companies the opportunity to sell or buy debts (now it has become real under Presidential Decree No. 154 "On Financing Business Organizations for the Assignment of Rights")
will cease Sit on their debts and provide information in general access, so all this will only benefit. Payable businesses in our country is more than 46 billion rubles. Accounts receivable amount to nearly 35 billion euros. Mathematical modeling conducted by our experts has shown that with the help of debt clearing, it is quite realistic to write off about 20% – about 7 billion rubles. I think that if there is a complete base of arrears across the country, it is possible to cancel up to 50% of all outstanding debts that way.
Let's see again how this is going to affect the ordinary reader. It is very important to understand that the problems I describe are not just a headache for managers, they directly affect the financial well-being of everyone. Debt paralyzes the complete operation of the company, reduces the volume of production and the services that it provides. This obviously leads to lower wages and, in the most severe cases – late payments.
Moreover, the risks of the debt constitute the financial burden which, sooner or later, falls on a mere buyer. Because any business person, evaluating the likelihood of such risks (and they, unfortunately, are high in our country), places them in the cost of production.
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