Causes of bloating and flatulence


Gastroenterologist Anna Yurkevich conducts a blog where she writes about medicine in popular language and shares useful recipes. GO.TUT.BY she explained how to deal with one of the main complaints at the reception of a gastroenterologist – bloating. So, why flatulence and how to avoid it?

Pressed Food

– Flatulence occurs due to increased ingestion of air during consumption or improper chewing. When you are having a snack in a hurry, chat around a table, drink with the help of a straw or a chewing gum. Or, for example, abuse soft drinks. What will be the solution to the problem? Do not do all the above

Functional Diseases of the Gastrointestinal tract

– This is when the results of all kinds of studies (ultrasound, FGD, FCC) do not find any pathology, and the person has abdominal pain, swelling, diarrhea or constipation. The reasons for the emergence of functional diseases are many: a transferred intestinal infection, a particular sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract receptors, psychological factors and so on. To understand the situation, you must contact the gastroenterologist for multicomponent treatment: explain the essence of the disease to drug therapy and teach relaxation techniques

Poor intestinal absorption

– Some people in the small intestine have poorly absorbed certain substances. Without this, they are rapidly fermented by bacteria, which leads to the influx of fluid and the formation of excessive amounts of gas, and thus to the distention of the intestine and to the disturbance of its peristalsis. From where – bloating and, perhaps, diarrhea.

Such substances can be lactose, fructose, fructans, galactans, polyhydric alcohols – sorbitol, xylitol, mannitol. In English, they are abbreviated FODMAP (abbreviation for "fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols"). The solution to the problem is the compliance of the test with a diet low in FODMAP.

Increased sensitivity to gluten

– Gluten is a protein from cereal plants. The clbadic gluten intolerance is called celiac disease, a disease in which the small intestine suffers. The clinical manifestations of celiac disease are very numerous: from bloating and ending with skin problems. But there are situations where there is no celiac disease, but there is a so-called glutensensitivity – when swollen, bloated, diarrhea and other symptoms go

Bacterial growth syndrome excessive

– Excessive Bacterial Growth Syndrome, or SIBR – is a pathological condition, in which the number of bacteria in the small intestine increases to values ​​exceeding the norm. As a rule, it occurs for some reason: low acidity in the stomach, conbad abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract, conditions after surgery on the intestine, endocrine diseases (eg, diabetes sugar). The solution to the problem will be to consult a doctor and take medication

Rare Diseases of the Gastrointestinal tract

– The distemper also comes from other more rare diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. : Pete Bellis,

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