"Check the scale". Ukrainian oil company's "Girl" has appointed a new head


Sergei Korolenko was appointed new CEO of BNK-Ukraine LLC, replacing Vitaliy Kalugin in this position. This stems from the information on the website Belorusneft, one of the founders of BNK-Ukraine. The changes occurred in May

Sergei Korolenko. Photo: enkorr.com.ua

Korolenko was Kalugin's deputy, and prior to joining BNK, he worked as head of Naftan's export supplies department.

A source close to the BNK badured TUT.BY that she was " ."

In December 2017, Alexander Lukashenko accepted Mikhail Puchilo for the post of Managing Director of CJSC Belarusian Oil Company . Previously, he was deputy general manager of Beltransgaz for more than 10 years and after the takeover of Gazprom by Gazprom's Deputy Director Transgaz Belarus

The BNK chief's post became vacant after the departure of the company. Alexander Demidov for Naftan in March

] According to the Ukrainian Internet resource Enkorr, the appointment of a new director of the BNC was preceded by a large-scale inspection, especially conditions of cooperation with the largest counterpart of the company in Ukraine – Ukrpaltersystems. After the appointment of Puchilo, who, like Demidov, is referred to the orbit of Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Semashko, a new contract for the supply of petroleum products was signed in 2018 with a company from Korosten (Zhytomyr region) )

TUT.BY Belarus has been informed of the weakening of the leading role of the BNC as the leading exporter of petroleum products due to the emergence of new resource holders controlled by the Belarussian oligarchs

. market of Belarusian petroleum products. Belarus gained an increased share of the market after the closure of the Lisichansk refinery in 2012. Since then, the share of Belarusian petroleum products in the market for light petroleum products is 40-50%, depending on the fuel quality. In recent years, Belarus has also taken the lead in supplying dark petroleum products – oil and bitumen.

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