ChP in Gomel: the builders broke the cable, in one of the apartments the fan was extinguished


Gomel's rescuers tackled a non-standard task today. Due to the accident on the power grids, the electricity supply of some areas of Gomel has been temporarily halted. After that, at 3:12 pm the City Department of the Department of Emergency Measures received a message saying that in one of the apartments a man needed help: his artificial ventilation device was not working without electricity [19659002] A patient born in 1960 was in an apartment on the fifth floor of Khrushchev. As it turned out, the medical equipment was also located there – without backup power. Given the fact that the fan was disconnected, a life threat appeared

To connect the equipment, rescuers pulled the generator cable into the car.

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the state of the man is satisfactory. ] was said in "Gomelenergo." What happened?

It turned out that the company "Spartak" has carried out excavation work on its territory with the participation of third party contractors. In addition, at 14:12 the high voltage line belonging to Spartak was damaged. Nearby is the substation "Vostochnaya" 110 kV, with a burst of cable, there was a very powerful short circuit (fixed current of closing up to 6000 A). This has led to the disconnection of some consumers, including homes and public institutions.

Power engineers note that the work was done without agreement with the Gomel power grids. Energy engineers have restored power supply in less than an hour and a half

With regard to the apartment fan, Gomelenergo has been informed that this equipment should be powered by emergency energy sources

. earthworks, observe the rules of their production in the guard zones of the transmission lines, in particular, coordinate actions with the organization of food. It was recalled that damage to high voltage cables can not only disrupt the life of the facility, but also result in the death of the person who controls the equipment.

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