Coach of Croatia: In the finals of the World Cup such penalties are not named


Croatia's head coach Zlatko Dalich summed up the 2018 World Cup for his team, defeated in the final by the French .

  Photo: Reuters "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 827 "data -x-src =" dalic-11-07-2018-1.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data -y-height =" 496 "data-y-src =" /reuters/05/10/rtx6au2z-zlatko-dalic-11-07-2018-1.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 496 "hspace =" 0 "src = " rtx6au2z-zlatko-dalic-11-07-2018-1.jpg" title = "Photo: Reuters" vspace = "0" width = "720" />

<figcaption> Photos: Reuters </figcaption></figure>
<p><strong>  – Continue to work in the national team? </strong></p>
<p>  – Now, I'm ready to rest. The last few months have worked hard. Now I am going to take a break, rest. I never make a decision quickly. I do not think of anything other than to go back to Croatia and relax </p>
<p><strong>  – What did you say to the players when they gathered in a circle after the match? </strong></p>
<p>  – He said you could go with your head up. You can be proud of the way you played. Above the head. No reason to be upset. Of course, there is a bit of sadness in the defeat, but I said that there is nothing to be sad about. Sometimes you lose in football. </p>
<p><strong>  – I sympathize with defeat. You looked as if you were in control. But two contradictory goals were scored. How was the video repeated interfering? </strong></p>
<p>  – I must congratulate France. The first 20 minutes we played well, controlled the game. Then, after the norm, a personal goal was scored. We continued to control, to come back to life, but we were given a penalty. </p>
<p>  I do not like to comment on arbitration, but I will say one thing: in the World Cup final such penalties are not fixed. But that does not take anything away from France's victory. It was our best game at the World Cup. We controlled the game, but it happened. </p>
<p><strong>  – How do you usually feel about video replay? </strong></p>
<p>  – I did not want to respond negatively to the referee, it happened. He did what he considered fair and right. Just when the system works against you, it's always bad. But in general, the video replay is good for football </p>
<p><strong>  – How do the spectators who missed on the field affect the game? </strong></p>
<p>  – I will not comment on that. </p>
<p><strong>  – What Croatia did not win? When did they realize that the match was lost? </strong></p>
<p>  – There was not enough luck, especially with the first two goals. Good luck accompanies us in all the previous matches, but not today. We controlled the game, but we conceded a goal and a penalty. </p>
<p>  After the third and fourth goals, I realized it would be difficult. We recovered after the first, although it was difficult then. We recovered thanks to Mandzhukich's perseverance, but it's hard to get the win by conceding four goals, "reports correspondent Alexander Golovin </p>
<p>  The match was served by l & # 39; Argentine referee team led by Nestor Pitana. = window._fbq || (window._fbq = []); if (! _fbq.loaded) {var fbds = document.createElement (& # 39; script); fbds.async = true; fbds.src = "http: / /"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName ('script') [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (fbds, s); _fbq.loaded = true;}; _fbq. push ([‘addPixelId’,’644378592349624′]);}) (); window._fbq = window._fbq || []; window._fbq.push ([‘track’,’PixelInitialized’,{}]); </script></pre>
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