Conflict in the Grodno lounge: the administrator and the visitor who did not want to be fired


Last weekend, in the popular Grodno lounge bar, there was a conflict between the school administrator and the visitor. The guard refused to let the man and his wife inside. They tried to explain to the administrator, but in the end, as claimed by the participant in the conflict, he attacked her husband with his fists. Police were called to the scene of the incident

. The famous blogger and designer Grodno Daria Kukhta and her husband Dmitry Mikhno were the victims. The situation occurred in the newly opened bar in the downtown "Minta Lounge". Now, in the incident, the police are investigating, and the parties are telling their versions of the conflict.

After the incident, the girl wrote an excellent article in her Instagram account, where she has about 30,000 subscribers. The disc indignant users. And it seems that this conflict is the most discussed subject of the last days among the young Grodno

 Photo: from a personal archive

– All three: me, my husband and our friend from Switzerland decided to rest, we often visit various institutions of our city – there are not many here, so The guard did not leave us with mint, explaining that we were wearing clothes sport. Our friend controls the past face and entered safely inside, bringing us a drink (by the way, the bar entrance is paid) The guys drank alcoholic badtails, I did not consume any of them. Alcohol while I drove. We do not hide that my husband was drunk. We decided not to leave the situation like this and still had the intention to enter, but the guard did not let him do it. Then we called the administrator. In the beginning, no one came to us, but a man appeared on the doorstep of the establishment, who had a badge with the inscription "Administrator". His name is Andrew, – recalls the Daria incident.

Young people began to discover why they are still not allowed to enter the institution. Very quickly, a verbal skirmish broke out. And one and the other side speak of mutual insults and that the situation quickly lost control.

Daria says that at one point the director hit Dmitry with his fist in his face. The girl shows a medical certificate where it is said that her husband has a soft tissue injury.

 Photo: from the personal archive

– It's good that I did not get to the concussion, everything happened very quickly, j & # 39; I just had time to see how Dima is already leaning, and the admin is holding up. But why do you want to fight? Well, you do not like visitor behavior – call the police, says the girl.

Police were called to the scene, but after the fight, the company and the administrator were taken to the police station. It's strange that the guardian evaluates the visitors by their clothes and decides to leave or not someone in the bar. What kind of practice is this? We want to spend our money in this or that institution. We were dressed neatly and elegantly, if we already talked about the appearance. The clothes are expensive and marked. And it turns out that we can not go inside the bar because someone has just decided it, "says Daria.

The administration of" Mytah "has his own version of what happened

– Dmitry was drunk, he was confirmed and examined in the police.About sportswear, no one said to We do not allow people who are intoxicated with alcohol or drugs to behave aggressively and to harm themselves, to harm themselves or to harm their property. Is a general rule.As for the conflict, we have video camera recordings, which we saw after the incident.The visitor has in any case provoked an administrator. insulted, spoke dull.The situation then became uncontrollable.In the beginning, neither the administrator nor Dmitry complained to each other, but, apparently, now when our reputation is blackened in every possible way, we will have to consider the possibility of writing counterclaims. In the same conflict, the police will already be treated, – said in the administration of the lounge bar

It was impossible to receive a comment from the press service of the Directorate of Internal Affairs Executive Committee of Grodno oblast [19659014] April of this year.
It is a fairly popular brand in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus. Visitors here are offered hookahs, elite teas, drinks. Also has its own kitchen. The bar is popular with Grodno residents. On the weekends, there is often a shortage of stock.

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