Contest "Take the Challenge." Rules of participation


Do you want to give up sweets? Stand in the bar every minute? And maybe, in the morning to go running? GO.TUT.BY launches the contest "Give yourself a challenge": choose a useful habit, stay with him for 30 days – then tell me what happened. The author of the best story will receive a prize.

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<figcaption> Photo: </figcaption></figure>
<p>  The "Challenge yourself" contest will take place in two stages. </p>
<p>  We will first choose the participants among the readers. To become one of them, <strong> before August 5 </strong> send to <u> </u> a story about yourself in .doc format or .docx with the note "Give yourself a challenge". How old are you, where do you live and what are you doing? Attach your photos and write about what you promise to do every day. Maybe, you want a month to adhere to a healthy diet? Count calories? Do a hundred pumps or squats a day? To go to bed at the hour? Sleep for eight hours? Abandon social networks? Or do not drink beer? Choose a specific, action-related action you will perform everyday – and explain why it's important to you. Do not forget to leave your details (mobile phone). </p>
<p>  In the second stage, we will introduce the readers of the contest participants – those whose motivation was the most convincing. Post your name, photo and what you promise yourself and all readers to perform on a daily basis for 30 days. And you will challenge yourself. We count on your honesty: the way you keep a word, no one will see you better. <strong> Until September 8 </strong> we will wait for your stories about how you have been given control of a new habit. Write what has turned out to be the most difficult? Were there failures? How often did you want to stop? What were the results? Do you feel that with your new habit, your health, mood, or fitness has changed? We will wait for the actual photo, which will record the changes that have occurred with you. </p>
<p>  We will publish the best stories on the portal. And what will happen if someone promises, but for some reason, does not fulfill the promise? Nothing – but that the competitor has not kept his word, we will write too. The editors reserve the right to select for the publication of competitive stories, their reduction and editing. </p>
<p>  Among the published stories, readers will choose the one they prefer – and we will award the winner a cash prize: 300.00 (three hundred) rubles, taking into account Income Tax </p>
<p>  The winner will be selected by open vote on <strong> from 8 to 11 October 2018 </strong>. All users registered on the TUT.BY portal will be able to vote for the preferred story before voting begins – on October 7, 2018 (included). The winner will be announced on October 12, 2018 </strong>. </p>
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