Cuba may have a presidential post


The new Constitution of Cuba will establish the post of president in the country and limit the stay to this high position by two five-year terms. The key points of the future fundamental law were published on July 14 by the Granma newspaper, the printing organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Caribbean.

  Photo: Alice Ksenevich, TUT.BY
Photo: Alisa Ksenevich, TUT.BY

"The President of the Republic fulfills the duties of Head of State and is elected by the President. National People's Assembly among the deputies for five years, having the right to hold this position for two consecutive terms ". project, which TASS quotes. In addition, the position of Vice President will be created.

According to the current Constitution, the Head of State is the President of the State Council and the Council of Ministers. Since April of this year, this position is occupied by Miguel Dias-Canel. Staying in the highest office of the state in Cuba is now unlimited

As Granma points out, it is also planned to establish a post of prime minister, who will head the Council of Ministers, l 39; supreme executive body of the country. Thus, the separation of the functions of the head of state and government will be done in Cuba

Cuba recognizes private property and gender identity

The new fundamental law will continue to set a provision on the socialist character of the state and the leading role of the Communist Party in society.

The new constitution will retain the provision on state ownership of the major means of production and the planned nature of the economy, but there will be a clause recognizing the "free market". In addition, the Constitution will include for the first time a point on the prohibition of discrimination based on gender identity, which the LGBT community has long insisted on.

On 21 and 23 July, the National People's Assembly Cuban authorities will meet to discuss the draft new constitution of the country. After the approval of the deputies of the parliament, the draft of the new fundamental law will be submitted to a referendum.

The next amendment of the constitution was announced in April this year, leaving the post of head of state, Raul Castro, 86 years old. In June, Castro, who held the post of first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, headed the commission to write a new basic law. In total, the commission included 33 deputies.

The current Constitution of Cuba was adopted in 1976. In 1992 and 2002 it was amended. In particular, since 1992 Cuba has been a secular and non-atheistic state

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