Denis Popov, Onliner reader: When a child gives you to a retirement home, do not be surprised


Denis Popov – Onliner player. 35, father of a two-year-old, will soon become a father of two children. By engineer-teacher in education. He is horrified that almost all children swear now, but they understand that by placing the child in the chain, the situation can not be corrected.

All my life, I have heard from all sides how terrible youth is. At first, I was mean: Elders said that with my peers we were completely spoiled, armless and generally not good. Now I've changed places with them: sometimes the next generation is already degraded with their music, their appearance, their way of speaking and their behavior. Sometimes you have to work hard not to get into the clbadic "nonsense of the old man".

After all, it's already around the sea: the images on social networks describe "what kind of childhood I had in the street, but they do not have it," tired of telling how children grow up with "fly agarics", preferring the alternative in the books of Jack London cyberspace And of course, our athletes and musicians for "Eurovision" have cruelly stopped growing. In short, full kapets, sailed – the bottom! With such teenagers, you can not build a prosperous country.

And I'll tell you what: if some kind of shit happens, it's certainly not the children who listen to Face who are to blame for it. You simply do not invest in these sites – and do not be surprised that they throw you very quickly in a landfill. A friend asked an economist to check out his business plan for retirement home services! To his surprise remark ("Are you seriously going to win her?"), He replied that it was a gold mine. At first, parents push children down ("You're on a computer, a tablet, TV, do not touch me"), then children (everything comes back to this world, no?) Are willing to give a lot money to a retirement home for the elderly parents do not interfere with life!

So who and when degraded?

My child is still very small, but now I am preparing for the terrible: when he grows up, I will have to understand him and accept him (or at least do everything in his power to make this happen). Accept what it is, with its matte music, with its blue hair, its rings, its mats (or what will be there at this age?). And by accepting this already, by showing the child that you are not against his complex inner world, you can correct something together.

Otherwise – a retirement home.

This summer, while walking with my child in the playground, I got upset about a teenager about 14 years old. I sit like that alone on the swing of the children (scandalous!). There is a phone on the floor, and music screams (of course, stupid). Above all, he was exasperated that the girl is deliberately watching us, indignant fathers and mothers – guardians of morality (when did we manage to become so?).

All my irritation disappeared like a hand when I suddenly realized: she's looking aside, because she already knows that music does not love her categorically and that we, the "other" generation, consider this as unnatural. I'm sure she's talked about it several times – from parents to school teachers. The image of inflexible, grumpy and small old men has long been formed in my head. We are only 35 years old and we already see the old one. How do you like it?

And we prove our strength, our influence, and now we are sometimes like petty old men, envious and vengeful. Here is an example from sport, as we mentioned at the beginning of the column. A very good young hockey player started to conflict with the management team. Probably, he felt that his job was paid too low (not the essence, not the first, not the last).

I remember exactly the phrase of the wise old uncle of the management team: "I'm going to rot him." For example, the guy went too far and now is the time to "tear it up" to not discourage others. Well, rot, broken, broken. Now play somewhere somewhere. Question: who benefited? The wise uncle, who could have made a guy a star, has lowered him to the bottom. In fact, I went to the facility, amusing my pride as much as I can. And of course, he later explained how ungrateful young people were growing up.

The young athlete was probably wrong: the glory hit his head, the appetites became exorbitant, stupid. The adults, the experienced and wise uncles could not draw his attention to that and could find nothing better than to trample on, to show the place. Shown.

So, I understand the young hockey player, but the experienced club management is not!

Because the truth is defeated is that education is a systematic and long-term process, which requires patience, first of all, not from the student, but from the teacher. And if you do not have that patience, whose fault is it?

Recently, I saw an adult man "according to the clbadics" explaining to a juvenile tyrant in the yard that he was wrong to beat the younger ones. Explain lucidly, stretching out your belly, screaming, right convincingly! Do you think, for a good reason? Yes, of course, it does not make sense. For many years, this kid saw this record beating his mother and him, and he was postponed in his brain that beating the weak is normal.

The peculiarity of the current problem of fathers and children in relation to all previous generations is only one thing. In a modern society, rich in information, it is increasingly difficult to lie. I mean a lie that adults are constantly feeding – voluntarily or involuntarily – to children. It's getting harder and harder to hide, which means teenagers who bring us clean water get tired of lying. And of those who generate this lie. And then the retirement home becomes in their eyes a totally honest prospect. And I do not want to go. Therefore, I will try to be honest and patient. I'm going to listen to Face, maybe I'll understand something. At least I will try to understand.

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