Deputy Chief of the Ministry of Health detained on suspicion of bribery was fired from his post


Deputy Minister of Health Igor Lositsky was removed from office. This results from the name of the decision of the Council of Ministers of 20 July 2018 No. 556.

The full text of the document is not yet available on the national legal portal.

Siloviki stopped Lositsky a few weeks ago. The KGB suspects it to be favorably dealing with issues that fall within its jurisdiction to arrange the registration of medical devices by the state, as well as a loyal attitude in the choice of medical equipment providers. "The amount of bribes ranged from 2.5 thousand to 10,000 dollars," – said KGB chief Valery Vakulchik.

Lositsky exercised global leadership and control over the construction, reconstruction and development of the material and technical base of the health care industry. He oversaw the circulation of medical products in Belarus and was the chairman of the profile commissions of the Ministry of Health and Belmedtechnika, according to the website of the agency.

Igor Lositsky became deputy minister in March 2013. Previously, he was for five years the head of the health department of the Regional Executive Committee of Brest and the chief physician of the Brest Regional Hospital for children for seven years

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