Dmitry Dichkovsky on intuition and strategy in business: "On a" It seems to me "you will not go far"


"I do not know how to do it, so I make a decision intuitively", – we tell each other several times a month. At the beginning of business, the role of intuition in general is difficult to overestimate. The lack of experience makes that one counts on the sixth sense, and in most cases, there is not enough money to correct the mistakes. The chairman of the board of directors, the professor of the IPM business school and former director of Milavitsy Dmitry Dichkovsky, as part of the partnership cycle with Alfa-Bank, spoke about his intuitions and advised to press "conscious intuition."

They often say: everything will happen if you believe in yourself. What does it mean? What kind of work brings a lot of success? This faith is always grateful? What is the most important obstinacy?

– I agree with everything, but with a "small" condition: everything will happen if you believe in yourself and at the same time you are moving in the right direction. That's the key point. The direction and method for achieving the goal can be chosen intuitively, and you can calculate and badyze for a long time. However, it is important to make a quick decision, otherwise it will be too late: the situation will change, someone will think faster. In this case, the intuitive decision is made much faster, but at the same time, it takes more risks.

I am an advocate of conscious intuition – decisions are made intuitively and intuition, in turn, is based on positive and negative knowledge. 19659005] "No successful business 20-25 years ago was thought by the founders in its present form"

– Jobs, Ford, Walton … and any of the whales of the world – do their stories relate to intuition? Are they lucky or guides of exact calculation and strategy?

– You speak of eminent people. They are in all fields: art, literature, business, medicine, science … These people are characterized by ingenious decisions, ideas, their own vision of the development of the world. These people form the future in their fields and have a unique combination of qualities. It's their gift, and it's much more than a mere intuition, a calculation or something else.

– Okay, let's talk about successful businesses in the Belarusian market. Do you think they were created as such for the owner's purpose?

– It seems to me that there is not a successful business 20-25 years ago that was thought by the founders in its current form. It is then that these people did not have a precise model of the operation of the business in 2020. Moreover, it would be almost impossible to predict the development of the technology and the breakthroughs that took place in many regions over the past two decades. What was undoubtedly at the beginning, that is the purpose, the vision, the values, the pbadion and the enthusiasm. And that's the foundation on which a successful business can be built. As they grew and developed, these components changed or adapted to changes in the environment, new components appeared, namely the business model, the financial forecasts, the marketing policies and the of sales, the principles of personnel management. the use of design or intuition, because at the birth of an idea, design, intuition and many others are necessary, especially in stages of 'growth Companies

– were there brilliant solutions? ] – There were intuitively correct decisions are not separated from knowledge. Intuition helps a person from a huge amount of information to isolate what is needed. Do not oppose intuition with other methods of decision making, but support them.

There are such examples in Belarus. Take any successful business (not cluttered with obligations that it can not serve) – all were created by people who intuitively feel the place of their business in the industry, changes in shopping preferences, and sometimes form these preferences. However, it is not only intuition, it is the ability to see the future, to understand what is happening in the present.

– Does this mean that all known companies that have not lived until 2018 have fallen? The director summed up his intuition?

– Maybe. Success weakens adhesion. If it seems that there is only a bright future and everything is easy to obtain, there is a great chance to get lost with the slightest change in the world. environment. There are many such examples in the world. If, of course, the purpose of the owner was not, for example, the sale of his business.

"Everyone has an intuition, but first a brute"

– Can we learn intuition?

– If you need to learn, does that mean that at the beginning of a professional career intuition is equated with a lottery? Maybe do not use it up to a certain point?

– But if you do not use it, it will not grow.

– "Does it seem to me?"

– On an intuition, you're far away Do not go away, it's one of the components of decision-making. Do not put everything else back. Look first at "It seems to me", then look around, what's going on around you, use your knowledge and experience. If you move away from the environment and rely solely on "I think", the risk of making a bad decision will be much higher.

Examples of good and bad intuitive solutions

– When are intuitive solutions good? For example, in the presence of charisma under the conditions of the emergency?

– The ability to make intuitive decisions is always good. However, simply making a decision based on intuition is only part of the picture. This picture will always be incomplete if, first, we will not learn to immediately evaluate intuitive decisions from the point of view of their timeliness and success (evaluation of effectiveness / progress monitoring), and second, we will not understand which optimal result (19659004) As a result, if we do not have a strategy and an evaluation of the effectiveness, then intuitive decisions can lead to bankruptcy.

– Have you made intuitive decisions? What did they find themselves with?

– Yes, mainly conscious-intuitive. They ended very differently. But I can say with confidence that I continue to trust intuition, enriched by experience and knowledge. A person in the arsenal always has two organs to help make choices: the heart and the head.

Among the just and timely decisions made during Milavitsa's work, there was, for example, the transition from a purely manufacturing company to the development of skills in retail management and the creation of a business. chain of shops. It was intuitively clear that production in Belarus would be difficult to compete with Asian producers. As we move toward this goal, we have found arguments to support this decision. By the way, if you do not meet such arguments, it's an opportunity to badyze and, perhaps, abandon your decision and admit that it was wrong .

Controversial decisions, the race we joined, opening stores. At one point, it appeared that such a rapid appearance of new points led to uncontrollability: in the approval of new locations, in the coordination of staff in the retail trade, in the monitoring of the indicators. financial. I had to correct the decision and change the tactics.

"Startups will not survive a single intuition"

– The lack of intuitive management of charm, sympathy and so on? Maybe the customers are more loyal to those who are wrong than against the capitalists with cold calculation and strategy?

– Every business starts with an idea, an inspiration, and it attracts. In addition, as we grow, grow and develop, we need both strategy and calculation. That's because there is already something to lose, and any wrong decision can hurt a lot not only the founders, but also the employees, the suppliers, the customers. For a large-scale enterprise, a wrong solution (usually investment) can lead to serious problems, and such examples in Belarus are unfortunately sufficient. Therefore, it is not enough for a sincere company to succeed in business. A strong and beautiful body is needed, and that is the strategy, the financial model, the understanding of the foundations of the stability of competitive advantage, the personnel policy.

– Belarus is a country with an unstable environment for business. Often, business plans fail because of unexpected decisions of the regulator, especially in small businesses. Why then a business plan? Intuition and work will all work.

– This applies to any country where there is a regulator.

Brexit yesterday, today new homework, tomorrow national protectionism. Such decisions create much more uncertainty than the actions of the local regulator.

However, if a company moves, it must be aware of the direction in which this movement is taking place. Otherwise, it will be "as it happens", and it's a lottery.

Many successful global businesses began as entrepreneurial ventures and, over time, they became systematically managed organizations while preserving entrepreneurial thinking. They have a clear strategy, namely the ability and talent to constantly focus attention and resources on the development of unique features and skills that give the company a foundation to create a sustainable competitive advantage. Even small businesses need to think about what will help them beat their competitors.

Start-ups that are not able to develop skills to create a unique offer based on a thorough knowledge of the needs and needs of their customers.

Expert Opinion: "I do not give credit for burning eyes, but the bank is not interested only in dry figures"

– In my opinion, in the business world, the term "intuition" is not very common. "Business Sense", they say "I feel that there is money here", "You can make money on it". In the normal situation, the bank should not be interested in a business plan, intuition, or the burning eyes of a businessman when granting credit. A small business loan, says Alexander Bobko, head of the mbad business. – The general approach is that the cash flow of the business must be able to service the requested credit charge. This is the principle, confirmed by the large number of examples that the bank has already developed. The general picture makes it possible to evaluate the potential from a financial and non-commercial point of view

The idea "hot" must be evaluated without the emotions of the novice, with an important part financial calculation "cold". Here the bank can give a very relevant financial review, that a busy businessman, aiming at the result, will take note. I will not say that we are filtering business ideas and business plans, but to a certain extent, we are thinking about companies, helping to narrow ideas, and getting financing [19659004] and "intuition", of course, the contract does not match. Still, the bank is not only interested in the dry figures of the business plan, but also how the business man understands his proposal, how he shaped the business model. , how he represents future development, how he badesses potential threats and risks and of course believes in the future of his business

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