"Do not demolish? Let them live in the oldest two-story building first!": The inhabitants of the region are being demolished in Avtodorovskaya


In administration Moscow presented neighborhood RAP the territory within the limits of Zhukov Avenue and Zheleznodorozhnaya – Surazhskaya – Moskovskaya – Virskaya streets. Most of it is occupied by Belarusian railway installations, but there are also residential buildings. It was his fate that most interested the locals who attended the presentation. But samam are unexpectedm was the question about buildingsand l & # 39; former railway Hospital, which carries the status of historical and cultural values. WithThe hospice is now located and the designers have proposed to create the museum of the Belarusian railways. "Where are we going to go to our patients?" It's 70 beds! Why is your decision not in agreement with the health committee? "I asked the project developer the deputy chief of the 11th hospital.

Photo: Daria Buriakina, TUT.BY

In the meeting room of the administration, a dozen of four inhabitants were gathered. People fundamentally came to discover the fate 27 mansions in the area of ​​the Avtodorovskogo road, which, according to the RAP, was demolished. It is also proposed to demolish all apartment buildings. Avtodorovskogo, among which is the oldest two-storey building in Minsk.

Photo: Daria Buriakina, TUT.BY
The private sector will be demolished. They want to build a parking lot here.

Before the presentation, we went through the private sector and talked with the locals. The opinions on the demolition were different. There were mainly those who invested in reconstruction and construction. Their houses. It is clear that people used to live on earth not forI want to move to the apartment.

Photo: Daria Buriakina, TUT.BY

Photo: Daria Buriakina, TUT.BY
Nevsky Lane

There are huts whose owners do not want to build or heal the site. The executive does not ask them anything. And I always say why I do not paint the fence,said the owner of a good house.

Photo: Daria Buriakina, TUT.BY

FResidents of the two-story building of Avtodorovsky Lane waited for a discussion on the PAR with a different mood.

Photo: Daria Buriakina, TUT.BY
Avtodorovsky Way

In our house number 4 in the Avtodorovsky way, there is no toilet. People are forced to walk outsidesaid Inna and admitted that the tenants are waiting for demolition.We only managed to install a shower in the apartment, but we have toilets on the outside. It is very difficult to live with a small child in such conditions.. The apartment is small, only 38 square meters. The husband's parents were working in the railways and they were given this unit as an office and then allowed to privatize.

Photo: Daria Buriakina, TUT.BY

We live on the first floor. Fifteen years ago, when I was doing the dishes, part of the kitchen ceiling sank,said Elena.We did some repairs, but the whole ceiling is cracked, it's scary to live there. We would very much like to move and come to the presentation to find out when it will all be.
Photo: Daria Buriakina, TUT.BY

Hand project presentations architect EU "Minskgrado" Alexander Starostenko cautiously addressed the issue of the demolition of the oldest two-storey wooden building in Minsk. He told him in the development process, residents came in and asked to demolish dilapidated houses, and community activists, on the contrary, asked to continue building in Avtodorovsky Lane.

Photo: Daria Buriakina, TUT.BY

Do not demolish? Fthe mouth will live first [[[[about activists] in this two-story building! – spoke at the presentation Olga.

After the presentation of the project, we approached Olga and asked her why she said that. At home, unlike the adjacent two-storey building, there is all communications. There is no need to run to the toilet.

Photo: Daria Buriakina, TUT.BY

In our house for many years, there was no repair. We, the young people, repaired our apartment. But most tenants are seniors. It can be difficult for the elders to separate from this house, many of whom are used to it. But you must think of others. The house is cold We can not even put our baby on the ground for it to crawl, because everything is blown away, "said Olga. – This apartment received my father-in-law as a civil servant. A railroad worker, he queued for thirty years and, when offered this accommodation, accepted. Advantage allowed to privatize this apartment. And we want this house to be demolished and people to be housed normally.

On the threshold of the oldest two-story building, we met Igor. He has lived here for many years and says the news of the demolition is not angry.

Photo: Daria Buriakina, TUT.BY
The oldest two-storey building in Minsk

I have sore feet, so for the presentation of the project went my wife. We would like to know when we will be demolished and who will be compensated. People said that in exchange for our apartments, they would give rental housing. But almost all apartments are privatized, how are things going?

Photo: Daria Buriakina, TUT.BY

When presenting the project, specific demolition deadlines were not mentioned to local residents. Vladimir Kasperovich, head of the department of architecture and construction of the Moscow District Administration, said that and his approval "One year and ten" may pbad before implementation. It all depends on how quickly an investor is found on this site.

Three or four years, you can live in peace and rebuild the house,Vladimir Kasperovich explained to the owners of the estates.

And at what stage you can not do the reconstruction?asked to clarify the room.

After making a decision about the upcoming seizure. As soon as you have this solution in hand, all the manipulations with the real estate cease,said Vladimir Alexandrovich.

Photo: Daria Buriakina, TUT.BY

On the lot of the building of the former railway hospital

Alexander Starostenko recalls that the building of the former railway hospital has a status of historical and cultural value and still belongs to the eleventh hospital. In the future, a cultural and educational center and a museum of Belarusian railways are planned on the basis of the entire complex of the former hospital of the railways.

Photo: Alexander Kalenik, TUT.BY
The building of the old railway hospital. Photo: Alexander Kalenik, TUT.BY

Anda woman came out of the room and said that she was Deputy Chief Medical Officer of the 11th Hospital Medical Unit.

OhI would like to know where is planned the relocation of 70 beds located in this building? There is one such important department on the social level: the Department of Palliative Care, c & # 39; serves notasettlement of four districts of Minsk. And for the administration was unexpected news. it. that without our knowledge, without the agreement of the health committee, it was decided to turn the hospital into a museum.

We are guided by hygiene standards approved by the Ministry of Health, said architect.According to the standards of hygiene of the institution, this function should not be there. I will repeat what was said at the beginning of the presentation, the RAP is a strategic issue. The executive committee of the city of Minsk will think strategically about where to place your hospice, etc., and so on. Maybe build something. This is not a solution for tomorrow.

In the past two years, nearly half a million dollars have been spent in rebuilding this building, said a representative of the 11th hospital.

I am exactly the same official as everyone. I have prohibited the placement of medical institutions in this area. We will work with that … – said Alexander Starostenko.

How is the fate of Avtodorovsky Lane actually going to form is still unknown. At the PDP presentation, residents mainly talked about the demolition of two-story buildings and explained why they think so.

At the same time, local historians are in favor of preserving two-storey houses along the Avtodorovsky alley, as they believe that the spirit of old Minsk is still preserved.

Public discussion of the project will run until December 20th. Comments and suggestions can be sent to the Moscow District Office of Architecture and Construction at the following address: 10 Dzerzhinsky Avenue or by e-mail at [email protected]. You can also write to the Oktyabrsky District Architecture and Construction Office at: st. Chkalov, 6 years old, or by email okt. [email protected] on 20/12/2018 included.

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