"Domestic violence? I grew up in the USSR, so there was no such word. "Ambassadors from Britain, France and Sweden played a game against gender-based violence


… On the stage of the Kupala theater are placed in a row of chairs. No decorations or complex costumes. Nine people in strict black outfit. Admittedly, there are not professional actors, but also ordinary Belorussians: among them the French ambbadador to Belarus, Didier Caness, the British ambbadador Fionna Gibb and the l 39; Ambbadador of Sweden Christina Johannesson.

The Seven is a documentary that tells the stories of seven women. In other words, these are not fictional subjects, not the fruit of the fantasy of the Swedish writer Hedda Krausch Schorgen, but fragments of interviews with real women, our contemporaries. The piece, which confuses the viewer with the number of places (Russia, Afghanistan, Northern Ireland, Guatemala, Pakistan, Cambodia, Nigeria) and heroines, is gradually weaving a destiny after another, as if Was a single common and touching story – injustice and humanity, humiliation and courage, despair and hope.

It turns out, for example, that Marina Pisklakova-Parker in Russia crosses the same circles of hell as Mu Sokua in Cambodia. "Domestic violence? What does it mean? I grew up in the USSR, so there was no such word, – Marina Pisklakova-Parker, creator of the National Center for Violence Prevention, tells one of the women who asked for help. – My husband was wearing a suit and a button took off his jacket. Then he hit me in the face with a shoe. When children. "In my country, if you are raped, it's karma. And this is considered equity " – Mu Sokua, former Minister of Women's Affairs of Cambodia, says she does not agree with this.

Regarding the play "Seven", it is inappropriate to say: "so and so were in the roles". Because there are no actors here, there are only readers – public figures, from Meryl Streep to Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, who agreed to read the stories of women of the stage. They are their celebrities in different countries and cities – politicians, athletes, musicians, diplomats, television presenters … Since 2008, the play "Seven" has traveled the whole world, making stops in New York, Rome … and now in Minsk. The first show in Belarus took place in 2015. The director was then and now Ivan Pinigin.

– The story of Anabella de Leon, whom I read on the stage today, touched me because this woman is a political activist in Guatemala. Her story is remarkable because Anabella, a woman from a very poor family, was able to educate, become a politician and devote her life to promoting women's rights and protecting the most vulnerable in Guatemalan society. I think the seven stories that have been heard today can not leave anyone indifferent, because these are true stories, the play is made up of the stories of these women, their stories of their lives. Therefore, it's a very powerful performance, – The ambbadador of France in Belarus and the participant of the play today, Didier Canes, told Onliner.

"The story of Mu Sokua, like the rest of the stories, is very strong. The problems mentioned in the play are what they face around the world. Not only in a particular country. Did I cry when I read the script? No Of course, these are very sad stories. But at the same time, these are stories of hope. Women like Mu Sokua could turn their horrible experience into something positive – for example, building schools, as Mukhtar Pai did. These women have successfully overcome the challenges – said the British ambbadador to Belarus, Fionna Gibb, who told the story of Cambodia, Mu Sokua, on the Kupalovsky scene.

– It is always difficult to read a female role to a man, – thinks Victor Babariko, president of Belgazprombank, who is reading today the story of Mukhtar Mai, a native of Pakistan. – I do not think that the story of my heroine was the most tragic, but for some reason, it is thought that it is so. [Мухтар Май изнасиловали четверо мужчин в сарае, заставили возвращаться домой пешком почти обнаженной и потом обвинили девушку в произошедшем — Прим. Onliner]. It was probably the most difficult story. In fact, Mukhtar Mai is one of the few to have suffered a severe test, not only moral, but also physical. And here it was very important for me to try: on the one hand, not to cry, because even the life that lived the heroine shows that this woman is strong, that neither its customs nor the situation broke, it even opposed, relatively speaking, to the president your country in this respect. Therefore, it was not very desirable to read from the point of view that it caused pity. On the other hand, it can not be emotionally neutral either. In any case, if you speak in the first person, regardless of the strength of a person, you feel pain, anxiety inside it and they do not do not leave with age. This is for me the first unexpected experience. How successful he was – of that, of course, you have to ask the viewer.

Can a performance be considered valid if non-professional actors participate? Pavel Yuzhakov-Kharlanchuk, another participant in the play, one of the best theater actors of the day (the only professional among the participants in the play "Seven"), shared his opinion with Onliner:

– Do not feel ым tym, prafesіybady it not. Aksent іdze on sunasts getay gistory_. I do not have the torture пытsnіkae: can I klanyatstsa performance performance kantsy, yakі pabudavany on sapraўdnay gistory_? For example, we tell the story of history, yak tsyap adbyvaetstsa. My dziachyny had a husband. We tell the story and the sweaty accents of klanjayutstsa. I am not a magician. For me, geta tryanna vyalіkae. Kali geta zhivaya g_storyya, there could be no vykanannya. Here the galaxy itself is suhnasts. A geta is not a preoccupied and unpredictable story, no badogy, no playwright, no biased feeling, the prime numbers are simple meanings, so we are praised by the schemas of the padstay getai gstoryi, like adby real zhytsі. Prafesіybadіzm here nya important. Vykonvats neshta, іграц пэўнага persanazha, kryulyatstsa, uaўna kazauchy, yak zrabіў would be prafsіyny aktsёr, here nyaўmesnes. Kali іdze simple Danos Sensu, geta bolshe karysna pratsue. I am a geta, nadvarot, great padabetstsa. Amatarsky Varyyant зеdze the love of hell, the Sercian hell, and not the hell of the beacon, as the prafesіybady neshta vykantsyuts tsi zarablyuyuts penny.

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