Domracheva and Bjoerndalen are invited to help develop a travel itinerary for Belarus


Legendary biathletes Daria Domracheva and her husband Ule Einar Bjoerndalen, who have 12 Olympic gold medals in their family collection, have decided to make a trip after the end of their sports career Belarus and Norway. In his instrum Domracheva appealed to fans with a request to help establish a route through Belarus .

– With these frames begin a series of photos under the hashtag # Norwegian Pobelarusi. We will drive along beautiful and interesting places with blue eyes. Finally, there was such an opportunity! Ideas?

Well, then we rush through the Norwegian expanse #Belisochkav in Norway is very interesting

Bath – a familiar ritual and loved by all, steam, birch brooms, honey mbadage, kvbad, hot tea and pleasant conversations – is not it the best? recovery? – Darya Domracheva wrote

With these images begin a series of photos under the hashtag # Norwegian Pobelarus. We will drive along beautiful and interesting places with blue eyes. Finally, there was such an opportunity! Ideas? Advise! Well, and then we tear through the Norwegian stretches # Беларускочкавновевегии – it is very interesting. Bath – a ritual familiar and loved by everyone, steam, birch bads, honey mbadage, kvbad, hot tea and pleasant conversations – is not it the best cure? With these images, we start a series of photos under the hashtag #NorwegianInBelarus. In some plans to visit some interesting and beautiful places of my country. Exit And we will come back with other photos. Banja-traditional rithual relaxation with hot steam, twigs of birch, honey mbadage, kvbad, hot tea and beautiful discussions … – must be fully recovered and regenerated after … must try. And a little later, to explore a country of my husband – #BelarussianInNorway trip – impatiently 🙂 #musty #moveyourbody #BLRNOR #Exploretheworld #exploreBelarus #myBelarus #banja # bath

Published by Darya Domracheva (@dadofun) 8 Jul 2018 Domracheva and Bjoerndalen: We decided to celebrate a sport retreat with a day at sea

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