Drunk in KamAZ had an accident in Bobruisk and wanted to escape. Witnesses leave in pursuit


On November 27, at around 12:25 pm, an accident involving KamAZ occurred on Bakharov Street in Bobruisk.

Photo: bobruisk.ru
Photo: bobruisk.ru

A truck was moving along Bakharov Street towards Novoshosheynaya Street Near the TDiA factory, he hit a car parked at the edge of the roadway which, in turn, hit another car. However, the KamAZ driver did not stop and, trying to escape the scene of the accident, continued his route along Bakharov. At that time, witnesses of an accident rushed to him on their cars.

The truck only idled near the crossing to let the train go. At that time, the people of Bobruisk care to catch up with him and detain the driver themselves.

According to preliminary data, the truck driver was in a state of drunkenness.

It turned out that before, two people were driving in a car, and the initially drunk 27-year-old was a pbadenger. The real driver got out of the garage to check the condition of the brakes that he was repairing. Noting that the brakes were still defective, the driver stopped driving, parked the truck and got out of the car, leaving the comrade drunk on the inside. He apparently decided to take advantage of the opportunity to drive and walk down Bakharov Street. About the incident, "Evening Bobruisk" reported the chief inspector OGAI, agitation and propaganda Alexander Adotik.

Photo: bobruisk.ru
Photo: bobruisk.ru

KamAZ belonged to an individual entrepreneur. In fact, an accident is verified.

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