Emery: Watching Pointy Visors to Improve Your English – Football News Abroad – Football


Arsenal head coach, Unai Emery, explained how he had learned the language in England.

"The Sharp Visors series is good, but difficult to understand because of emphasis in Birmingham. And there is a lot of aggression. But he's good, yes, said Emery.

47 year old Spanish speaks to press conferences in English. In addition to watching the BBC TV series, Emery is also dealing with a teacher. While working at PSG, the trainer spoke to reporters in French.

Based on the words of Emery, Twitter users have made several collages with a coach in the role of the hero of "Sharp Visors".

"When you Something you are engaged, you have to test this pbadion. Football is my pbadion. It's my job, but I do not take football every day as a job. It's my favorite hobby, "Emery said.

Andrey Santalov

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