Entrepreneur Igor Skorynin: Belorussians and a goldfish – are we going to help a miracle?


Igor Skorynin is a veteran of the Belarusian industry, a former scientist and an active athlete. A grandfather, a "plural" grandfather and philosopher, who avoids seriousness. Co-owner of several companies.

Several years ago, a goldfish lived in Lake Komsomolskoye. From time to time, he swam up to the coast and responded to the wishes of the Belorussians. Usually, it was like that. A Belarussian came to the beach near Orlovskaya Street, took off his shoes, walked along the sand, soaked his tired feet in the cool water of June, and suddenly in front of him in the shallow waters – a goldfish!

He looks at him from the tank with yellowish eyes and speaks of a human voice (a bit strange, like a barrel, low, practically low):

– Dear Belorussian! You are incredibly lucky. You have the opportunity to make your most secret wish, which I will fill immediately. However, because of my extreme job, I can give you for reflection for no more than ten seconds. Time is up!

In the beginning, the Belarussian, of course, was scared. Around the objects of the regime, the Palace of Independence, the Embbady, ​​video surveillance everywhere, we must behave well, then suddenly such a temptation!

But fish of course took these characteristics into account. seconds. After that time, it reminded the Belarussian:

– Six seconds left!

Then the Belorussian thought that it was probably some kind of advertising game "Euroopt" and he would be offered to buy something to participate in the rally.

But the fish also planned this and allowed three more seconds for the other six to throw. Then she said:

– Think faster! I count for three!

And then the Belarusian realized that he had only two seconds to decide, and the last to say.

And he shouted in a hurry:

– …!

And here there were options.

A Belarusian teenager still wanted a new "iPhone". Then there was still no tenth, was sixth or seventh, or maybe fifth, I do not remember exactly, but the schoolboy always knew the latest model and wanted it. Nobody thought about the previous version. For the season when the fish was swimming, the pattern changed, and the desires of the schoolchildren changed the day after the presentation in California.

Belarussians are older, young men have always wanted a car. They dreamed of a compartment to roll the girls at night, so, become agitated and forgetting all other brands and models, they let go:

– "Ferrari"!

Marry young men for allocated seconds. why, although this thought has also crossed through them. But they preferred a jeep. After half a second hesitating to hesitate about BMW and Audi, they exclaimed:

– "Mercedes"!

And the designation of the letter of the model was added to the fish not to confuse it

apartment The two-room apartment is not enough, he thought, and I would like to have a house in the country, but it is uncomfortable, not easy to go to school and bring my son to school, and it is expensive. SUV businessman with a double chin and a plump borsetka just wanted money. He barked:

– Billion dollars

But the fish replied:

– I must warn you that in agreement with the US Federal Reserve, in order to avoid losing control inflation process, the amount of your desire

The man felt cheated, adrenaline reached him in the blood, he blushed even more, wanted to make a fish scandal but restrained himself, nodded and quickly said that he should not be late:

– Then a million!

But it was sweat

The teenager Ilya ran to show her "iPhone" to the school. The story of the goldfish began to tell and to laugh about it. A quarrel broke out with his best friend, because he was jealous. The high school students finally understood, and Ilya worried that they would take her phone. The parents were worried because they did not believe in this story either. And the next day, on the way to school, the boy accidentally dropped his new iPhone on the asphalt, broke the glbad and broke the button. He was very upset, almost crying, he was sitting all day at boring lessons, avoiding everyone's changes, coming home and telling his parents about his grief. They were also in distress, regretted, looked on the Internet, how much it would cost to replace glbad and pimples, and said: "Ilya, it's very expensive, and you're going to hit him again Why do you need such a phone? " They were not rich people, apart from that they were expecting a second child. Ilya thought, sold the broken iPhone with the ad, and bought the folding scooter on which he skated all summer.

Artem on the Ferrari arrived at Zybitsky in the evening and made a fury there. For several days, he rolled his friends one by one and demonstrated how you are pressed into the seat if you push the pedal on the ground. He tried to speed up to three hundred kilometers per hour on the highway to the airport, but at one point was scared. A week later, speeding fines began to arrive. To pay the biggest of them, I had to borrow money from a friend. "Ferrari" was constantly standing on a multi – storey car park because there was no money for gasoline and Artem went by cart. A month later, he decided that everything, enough, the car should be sold. No one has bought it on the ad, although many have called – true, most out of curiosity. Then he agreed with a friend and drove the Ferrari to Moscow to hand over to the board at the show. In the cabin, the car was checked for a long time, but they took it. A few weeks later, the Russian ruble was heavily depreciated, and while Artem was considering raising the price, Ferrari was redeemed. In dollars, not so much money. However, the young man was not angry because he already studied in the programmer courses, he was interested, and he stopped to go to Zybitskaya. And he fell in love, was getting married, and the product was almost enough for an apartment in Kamennaya Gorka. The missing parents added, then he won and gave.

A young Mercedes man spent a week with his wife in the city, outside the city and doing some shopping. At night he was worried if anything had happened to his car standing under the window. He liked the car. But after the first scheduled interview on the company's service, he showed his wife a bill for the services, and they decided that it was somehow too much. The couple sold the Mercedes, bought a Renault car park, went on holiday in Greece and deposited the rest of the money.

A family man with his wife and son came to see his new three-room apartment. For three years he built, dragging building materials up to the twelfth floor of the elevator and transferring the rented apartment to his parents in Rosa Luxemburg street to save money. Money for repairs. When he came in, he did not remember that he had received a flat from a goldfish. After receiving a million dollars, Nikolai Stepanovich resigned from the traffic police, bought a location with a canned base in Vishnevka and began building a house. He did not commission the project from an architect, but he bought a new black BMW X-Five with a black leather lounge.

He divorced his wife, because he wanted to do it a long time (and now she began to seem unbearable to him) a saleswoman from Komarovka and started traveling with her to all-inclusive resorts. The construction of the house was extended and began to "devour" the funds. The money started to end, and the rest melted faster. After hesitating, Nikolai Stepanovich decided to sell his unfinished, but no one gave a good amount. He started saving a lot, and the gay shop badistant is bored and left. He was summoned to the tax inspectorate and asked to provide a certificate of income. It was very untimely. He became nervous, sold the house cheaply and lent the remaining money to the acquaintance of a friend with a good interest, believing that he should have enough to live on these interests. But the man went bankrupt and failed to repay the debt.

Now, Nikolai Stepanovich is working as a taxi driver and he complains that on the goldfish side, it was extremely unfair to limit him to a million dollars. And he is worried that he is calling the amount in dollars, not in euros. At first he told his pbadengers, but he stopped and now he drives in silence.

I will tell you honestly, I also met this fish many years ago, already in seventy-six years. I was then thirteen years old.

I asked him for American jeans. But the fish, apparently, in jeans, and gave me American jeans instead of Italian. Now everyone understands that Italian is better.

Oh yes, I almost forgot!

This summer, an eight-year-old Lena girl approached Lake Komsomolskoye, which that year had just finished its first year. She lived nearby in a new building high in the yards

She asked the dog a goldfish.

She had a cute, black puppy with a soft plush, gay as a labrador, but clever as a shepherd. Very good.

For several years, Lena has been walking with her dog along the trails around the lake every day, both have grown up, and every time she pbades near the beach, the girl says a golden fish for his dog

thanks, he does not say it, even though he realizes that she too was lucky. She does not know anything about goldfish, and she does not know how to talk.

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