ERIP is in the process of reforming the service tree. How Belarusians will pay utility bills now


ERIP continues to reform the service tree, now specialists are engaged in changing the category of "utility payments". The ERIP has been informed of the appearance of the renovated service tree and how the Belarusians will pay the electricity bills.

To pay the bills, you have to select a region in the tree, then find the bills and choose the desired service. , intercoms and CCTV, etc. Due to the large number of regions and cities, the service tree seems heavy.

After the changes, to pay for housing services, you will first have to select the "utility payments" section, then the specific service and then the region. The "communal payments" should be completed by 14 August. If during the changeover period it will not be possible to find an HCS in the "utility payments" category, this means that its renewal has not yet been completed and that the payment must be done as before, choosing the service by administrative-territorial division, ie What will the service tree look like:

– Payers making payments using the service code or using the payment basket (ERIP pay numbers) will not notice the changes. The payment process will be exactly the same as before: choose a service in the basket (payer's number), enter the requested data and make the payment. Payers who do not use the payment methods above will have to choose the service independently in the updated ERIP service tree.

Today, more than 50,000 services can be paid to ERIP. The number of service providers in the system has increased to 16 thousand. Because of this, some users have struggled to find the right service in the tree. Recall that in the service tree will appear sections such as "taxes", "FSZN", "tourism and recreation", "transport, shipping services", "auto-moto purchase". , service "," IT services. "

At the same time, sections such as" intercom, video surveillance "," Beltelecom "will disappear and will be distributed to other sections

Instead of the" financial services "section, banking and financial services will appear

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