Exchange rate: Belarussian ruble actively losing ground at the start of negotiations


Brent crude oil from Friday's fall is slowly rising. The Moscow Stock Exchange is gaining momentum with the euro and the dollar. In Belarus, three basket currencies started to grow at the same time. Since the beginning of the week, the Belarusian ruble has lost 0.5% against a basket of currencies.

The US currency at the start of trading scored exactly 1 penny. At the moment, it is bought and sold at 2,1410 Belarusian rubles.

Euro added 0.63 kopecks. Now he is trading at 2.4181 Belarusian.

The Russian ruble gained 0.69 kopeck. Now they buy it and sell it at 3.2017 in Belarusian percent.

A year ago, on November 28, 2017, the dollar exchange rate was 1.9953 rubles, the euro – 2.3803 and the Russian ruble – 3.4251 Belarusian rubles per cent.

On Tuesday, the dollar added 1.36 kopecks, or 2.1310 Belarusian rubles. The euro rose 0.48 kopecks, to 2.4118 rubles. The Russian ruble gained 0.96 kopeck and began to cost 3.151 percent.

Recall that in the setting of rates, the National Bank uses a mechanism to smooth the daily fluctuations of the exchange rate of the ruble on a basket of currencies, in which the share of the Russian ruble is 50%, the US dollar 30% and the euro by 20%.

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