Exchange Rates: As a result of trading, the dollar fell in price


A new week on the Bielorussian Stock Exchange. After a day 's rest, the currency has long been exploited and the dollar has started to fall. With him, and finished. The euro has shown the slightest change. The neighboring ruble tried to play the fall of Saturday.

The dollar fell 0.3 kopecks to 1.9772 Belarusian rubles.

The euro added 0.15 kopecks. It is worth 2.3263 Belarusian rubles.

The Russian ruble rose in the price of 0.41 kopecks. The final price is 3.1469 Belarusian rubles per hundred.

On the Saturday of work, the euro is appreciated 0.02 kopecks – up to 23248 rubles. The dollar fell 0.57 kopecks, to 1.9802 rubles. The Russian ruble fell by 0.19 kopecks. In the exchange rate, the National Bank uses a mechanism to smooth the daily fluctuations of the ruble exchange rate to a basket of currencies in which the Russian ruble's share is 50%, the US dollar is 30% and the 39, euro is 20%. In addition, since the beginning of the year, the population has sold $ 4,475 billion, or $ 3,675 billion, or $ 797 million. Business entities – residents of the Republic of Belarus in January-June sold 9.662 billion dollars. , bought $ 10.141 billion. erezidenty Belarus for six months to sell the currency at $ 297,400,000 in the equivalent bought -. $ 54,100,000 [19659002] The high rates of cash in foreign currency can be found on

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