Expert Advice on How to Keep a Car During a Flood


No matter how people warn of heavy rains and the possibility of flooding some streets, we still see cars stagnating and floating in puddles. And while the rainy season is in full swing, AUTO.TUT.BY, along with the badistant director of the Contravention Training Center, Dmitri Perlin, reminds us how to move safely under such conditions and how the non-compliance with simple security measures threatens

The simplest and least effective advice: leave the car at home and delay the trip. You will save the nerves and the car. But it is obvious that only a small percentage of motorists use it. In addition, the downpour can take on the road. Therefore, it is worthwhile to turn to practical recommendations.

– With regard to driving on water, there are two main dangers. The first is slippery! With rain in general, even regardless of its intensity. Especially in the first moments, when the asphalt did not take away the dust and dirt. A very slippery film is formed. As a result, the first 5-10 minutes of rain are particularly dangerous. The coupling properties of tires decrease sharply. To do this, you must make a change, increase the distance, the lateral interval, take into account the deterioration of visibility and visibility. In short, you must sharpen your attention and go slower than usual.

When an aquaplaning car, the driver becomes a pbadenger

– The second danger when driving is aquaplaning. This applies mainly to suburban driving modes. They did not arrive with a tire that would not get off the ground on a car of any type of driving and mbad, surfacing on a thin film of water at speeds above 100 km / h. On different cars and different tires, this speed limit may vary, but in a very narrow range

– Our roads are not the most leveled, there are ruts, and even on tracks like M1. Flying at a speed of 110 km / h in a runway full of water – this is guaranteed serious problems. Aquaplaning is the total loss of adhesion from one or all of the wheels of a car to the surface. There is no such qualification of the driver to deal with the machine, which is carried by the forces of inertia. "When the car is hydropowered, everyone, including the driver, turns into a pbadenger." This proverb is attributed to the famous pilot Michael Schumacher.

The first sign of emergence of the wheels is a short-term diet jump. The speed is the same, and the engine runs suddenly. What should I do in this case? Do not discard fuel, do not brake, do not turn the steering wheel. If you throw gas suddenly, then by the time the car is caught on the wheels by the surface and the hydroplaning stops, the clutch between the left side and the right side will usually be different. It's enough to derail the car. When braking, this effect is even stronger.

– Remember that in the case of hydroplaning, the steering wheel should stay upright. Very straight. With the steering wheel turned at the moment of stopping the aquaplaning, the car immediately tears in the direction in which the wheels are turned. And to deal with this moron, you will not be able to pay for skidding even with the most qualified driver. Therefore, extreme caution should be observed when cornering, since hydroplaning is already very dangerous

Most cars can exceed a 15-20 puddle of water. cm deep

and the flood. Here, the most important thing when one moves along a free water surface is to understand how deep there is. The counted series cars are able to overcome the depth of more than 50 cm and have appropriate training for this purpose. Most cars are able to overcome puddles from a depth of 15-20 cm and are not designed for more. Therefore, before diving into the water, you must estimate its depth by indirect signs – along the borders from left to right, the columns parked by other cars. Well, if you go regularly and know the terrain, where deeper, where finer. Therefore, the first thing to remember is that a car is not designed to overcome water obstacles. But if the need, the courage or the dementia is always forced to wade, then some rules must be observed here.

– Under no circumstances should it be "shoveled" in deep water for splashing to reach nearby houses. Some cars have an air intake under the arches. Therefore, if it really climbed into the water, then gently, without lifting the waves, but moving it in front of the hood. The bottom line is that this wave does not overwhelm the hood. In this case, you must move in this manner only in first gear, if you have AKP, then in forced manual mode, again in first gear and at higher speed. And all because the engine that pushes the water out of the exhaust system works with an extra load. And if you crawl through the puddle of water at idle, the engine can disintegrate spontaneously and not start.

And if the driver decided to storm, but in the middle of the road, he realized? There are two options for action. If you react late and you realize a little more – and the machine will turn into a submarine, it is best to smother the engine and think about the escape plan. It is safer that the engine will be drowned by the water with all the amenities of the hammer.

– If the driver has realized over time that the depth is increasing to a critical level, then you must stop and maintain the gas smoothly. Then, while maintaining the increased speed, turn back and go back. The main thing is not to let the car stall, because it can not happen the second time.

We crossed the puddle, heard the engine kick – you've already arrived!

– Obviously, the most important water inlet in the engine. It is best not to dive into a puddle of water if you do not know where the air intake is in your car and how it is arranged, what is the regulated depth of the ford that is surmounted. Precautions must be taken with attachments – generator, air conditioning compressor, and wiring and electronic components.

In a situation where you were driving in a puddle of water and suddenly the engine hit hard, do not try to restart it. A stroke is an obvious sign that you have already arrived. Therefore, the engine is choked, we are looking for an opportunity to evacuate the car. If rain continues, it is best to turn off the power by removing the battery terminals. It is not a fact that while you ask for help, the water level will not reach the critical level. In addition – the evacuator and the dismantling of the engine in the service station. It is not necessary to hope that it will dry out and will happen. "

If the car was flooded for a while, then after the descent of the car water too, do not start the engine immediately. You must first place under the hood and open the air filter housing. If there is water, drain it. Wet filter? Replace or dry. And with the whole car, if there is such an opportunity

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