Expulsion of Milevsky, Savitsky's pardon. The coach of Brest "Dynamo" – on the situation in the team


After a draw with Luch, the Pressball correspondent spoke exclusively with the 30-year-old Steven Brest, Dinamo Aleksey Shpilevsky. Including – the scandalous departure of the team Milevsky and Gavrilovich, as well as Savitsky's pardon .

  Photo: FC Dynamo-Brest
Photo: FC "Dynamo-Brest"

– In the starting lineup came out six newcomers. How are they ready to play? Have you managed to adapt?

– Of course, you need time for interaction. Our game principles are not fully understood. The foundation of everything is physical training. Physical and mental. That's what we need to work on. But now, the match for the match follows. Therefore, you do not build an intensive workout process. Instead, recovery and badysis.

Of course, we lack practice. I realized that my arrival would be difficult. After all, we had no preparatory period. So we decided to work on a game against the ball – on how to defend. But it is not perfect. And in half a year, he will barely reveal himself. I repeat: you need time. Still – patience. And the most important – the desire. And these are the guys. And self-sacrifice – too. I like that. So we have to work and move on. I have a motto – "Success through training and learning by success." If you think about it, you can understand its meaning.

– Why did Osouchukwu leave the demand?

– He was injured all week. Problems with the ankle. We are waiting for him to come back on Monday

– The other day you have a new badistant – the Greek physical trainer Christos Papadopoulos. Looking for a replacement for his predecessor?

– I did not know him at all He left Dynamo before coming. Therefore, we initially needed such a specialist. Papadopoulos worked eighteen years in the Bundesliga – in Schalke, Stuttgart. I won four titles

– So you are dissatisfied with the functional state of the team?

– Of course, I would like the physical condition to be better and better. But it's not a mistake guys. I do not want to blame anyone. Now we must look to the future – and see what contribution we can make to that. Do not talk about the past. Another of my motto is "Today, here and now."

– You have not commented on the departure of the team of Milevsky and Gavrilovich

– This has already been written in the press. I can only agree with the opinion written by Olga Khizhinkova. I confirm his words

Is this a common thing? Or is it a special case for each of them?

– As soon as I joined the team, we talked to the management. Discussed the composition, the future, the club's strategy, plans. Therefore, we knew that one or two players would not fit our scheme. I respect both Milevsky and Gavrilovich as masters. Of course, it's a loss. I'm sure that they will end up in other clubs

– But recently you spoke positively about Milevsky, appreciating his potential.

– The weather changes Like elsewhere in the sport. Today you are a hero, and tomorrow you can descend from this level. Today has won the championship, and tomorrow you can lose.

– With Milevsky did you have a non-match characters?

– Maybe.

– Does not consider his replacement at the end of the meeting with Shakhtar the most optimal solution?

– Artem knew our strategic plans. The fact that the rate will be made on young people. I decided to trust him even in a difficult match with Shakhtar, and not when we win 7: 0 or 8: 0. I wanted, as they say, to throw young people in this situation. It's good. Maybe Sadovsky did not show the best match. But incidentally, it was clear what he was capable of. The young man He should give a chance. It is only with the acquisition of experience that a player can evolve. We have to release him on the pitch not in 26 years, when in Europe the players are already finishing, namely now, at a young age. For my part, young people have total confidence. The same rotation will take place. And everyone can touch.

– You have been badociated with German football for many years. And Germany is a country of beer. What is your policy regarding the moderate use by players of the Dynamo of beer after the matches, during the repair events?

– Every coach has his own vision. For me, nicotine, alcohol and malnutrition disrupt all physiological processes of the body. I have this approach. Nobody forbids guys. But you must know the measure. If in an intense training process one day you break the diet – be it a sip or a box, then all the work went to nothing. This is proven. And indeed, it is indeed. The next day, the player will understand how he handled the issue. Some players – I speak in general, and not our players – think that alcohol after the game relaxes them. But he just relaxes his head and ruin the body.

– This case of force majeure made the preparation of the match very difficult? After all, there were already new player teams.

– Yes, but all the guys trained. And the newcomers did not come to see us yesterday. Knew it could happen Therefore, we were ready for that

– How much were the three of them missing from the match with "Luch"?

– Now we have to work with the players we have. I trust them one hundred percent. I do not want to say what would have happened. I just want to look forward. And support the guys we have in the composition. There will be team work – there will be a match. I would not look at the fact that I played 1: 1. Yes, it is insulting. But we draw conclusions and work further

– Savitsky stays in the team?

– Yesterday Pacha had a separate conversation with the club management. He heard both him and me. I'm sure Pacha thought about it. I think, will make excellent conclusions. And, I hope, everything will understand. Now he is working on an individual program. Savitsky can not only Brest "Dynamo", but the national team is of great benefit to bring. But he must understand that this is only on the condition of total dedication. Another motto is "Hard work excels talent". There are examples where talented players relax and live today, and so do not show up at the end and do not go to a higher level. And others are less talented, but they work at two hundred percent – and they exceed the first. This is also true for Pacha.

  Photo: dynamo-brest.by
Photo: dynamo-brest.by

– Is it disturbing before Atromitos?

– There will be a completely different match on Thursday. And it will be different too. The opponent will want to win, will play open football. We have badyzed it and know what lies ahead. Our specialists flew to Austria for the friendly matches of Atromitos. We understand that it will be very, very difficult. But we are ready for that. There are five days to prepare. We will do our best

In an interview with the press service of FC Dynamo-Brest, Alexei Shpilevsky also commented on the clashes with the coaches of "Ray" and the post-match communication with the fans

. to everyone, and if people do not respect their colleagues and start influencing the judges, I hate that. I was restless by that moment, plus, again, trolling out of time. I told them that even if my team wins, I try to quickly put the ball in the game, not to lose the tempo and the attention of the spectators.

– After the match, you have long communicated with the fans. What was the conversation about?

– We wrote a lot about the week, including the negatives. I wanted to focus, talk about our goals, goals and strategy of the club.

  Photos: dynamo-brest.by "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 720 "data-x-src =" https: / /img.tyt.by/n/sport/08/0/ shpilevski-dinamo-brest-fans-21-07-2018-1.jpg "data-x-width =" 1280 "data-y-height =" 405 "data-y-src =" https: //img.tyt .by / 720x720s / n / sport / 08/0 / shpilevski-dinamo-brest-fans-21-07-2018-1.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 405 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https://img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/sport/08/0/shpilevski-dinamo-brest-fans- 21-07-2018-1.jpg "title = "Photos: dynamo-brest.by" vspace = "0" width = "720" />

<figcaption> Photo: dynamo-brest.by </figcaption></figure>
<p><strong>  Sports Director of Brest Dynamo Sergei Kovalchuk in a conversation with a correspondent of Tribuna.com said that on July 26 Pavel Savitsky can take part in the match of the 2nd qualifying round of the Europa League against "Atromitosa" </strong> </p>
<p>  <strong> – Can you clarify the situation according to Savitsky? </strong></p>
<p>  – You saw him today <em> means that Savitsky trained before the match </em> – <strong> Tribuna. com </strong>)? I hope that Thursday you will see him also in bad form, but in the game room. </p>
<p>  <strong> – He was put in transfer. How much will the "Dynamo" arrange? </strong></p>
<p>  – Savitsky played today? </p>
<p>  <strong> – No, he trained. </strong></p>
<p>  – Are there any questions about the game? I have, in my opinion, responded. Savitsky is getting ready for the next game, "said Sergei Kovalchuk </p>
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