Familiar and indigenous victims in an accident in Ukraine: "It was a free trip for three days"


A friend of the victim of the accident in the Nikolayev region of the pbadenger told TUT.BY that for his knowledge it was a three-day trip – free. The mother of the accident victims of Gomel's sisters also speaks of the "profitable proposition" received by the girls.

  Photo: Police of the Mykolaiv region of Ukraine
Photo: Police of the Ukrainian region of Mykolaiv

The girl told that her 19-year-old girlfriend Natalia (the name was changed for ethical reasons .– TUT.BY rating) with her husband went to Odessa for three days. Their four-month-old child stayed with his grandmother.

– It was a three-day tour. It's a day to go there, a day at sea and a day, "says the interlocutor – As far as I know, Natasha herself contacted the family herself, she called from the hospital Her husband was killed.

According to the girl, this trip was free

The tragedy occurred around 5 am on July 20 on the Kiev-Odessa highway Near the village of Krivoye Ozero Minibus by the message Odessa – Gomel squeezed into the truck, which was on the right side of the roadway due to malfunction.According to the police, five people have were killed in an accident, 12 pbadengers were sent to a medical facility, three of them were in serious condition.

Natalia's knowledge indicated that the group was due to leave on a trip on Tuesday, but three people They refused, so Natalia called a friend and suggested to go with them.

– In my opinion, she said, "You will rest and you will receive $ 40". But I refused. Now, it has surfaced: there is something badociated with the transfer of cars. But Natasha did not say anything about the car

Perhaps it is about the participation of the Byelorussians in the gray scheme: when the Ukrainian border pbades by non-residents of Ukraine, the temporary import of cars from Europe is offset. For this, according to Ukrainian media, they pay $ 20 to $ 40 per car

It was not known how the trip of this group of adults (there were no children in the minibus) was organized abroad. As it was possible to learn TUT.BY, it was not issued by travel agencies: the private driver-hauler had "their clients", his acquaintances told us.

Galina Leonidovna two girls were injured in the accident. The eldest – 36 years Anna – in serious condition in intensive care, younger – 35 years Tatiana – in surgery. The woman says the girls have gathered for vacations spontaneously – almost in a day. They said that "a favorable offer has been received."

– They say: Mom, we do not need to go to the sea, it's expensive – so at least for a few days we'll bounce back. Look, they say, children. I say: Of course, I will do it. And Wednesday afternoon, they left, "the woman is crying."

Galina Leonidovna has already telephoned to the hospital: "The elder was transferred to the intensive care unit of Nikolaev his fractures and his nose are badly damaged. The second girl is in an easier state. They say that it can be removed. "

An acquaintance was brought to the Nikolaev region to bring him in. As he became known, Gomel's doctors will help deliver the victims to their homeland.

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