Fashionable Names – Mail News


Agathopus or Gelase?

Source: "My planet"

Previously, with the children's names, it was simple: looked at the calendar, found the right day – and chose. January 5th, boys. A luxury ensemble is at your disposal: basil, Pavel, Makariy, Ivan, Feoktist, Nifont, Feodul, Satornin, Evpor, Gelasii, Evnikian, Pompius, Agathopus, Basilides and Evarerest – canonized saints whose day of commemoration is celebrated.

Agaphopus and Gelasius are not suitable? You can do with Ivan and Vasily. The first almost always comes to the rescue – it is mentioned 79 times in the church calendar. It is not for nothing that, in the 19th century, about 245 boys out of 1000 became Vanya. But Victor, Valentin, Vitaly were rare – it was the name of most monks (among the women, the "monastic" names were Zoya and Margarita). In total, there were about 900 male names in the calendar.

With the girls, the situation was more complicated. In the church calendar, their names were only 250. So, for the day, on average, one to three and on some the number dropped at all. Most often Anna met (18 times) and Mary (12) in the calendar.

In short, the choice was, but limited. In order to name the child Bella or Romuald, a corresponding saint was to appear in the church calendar, and it was better that the newly canonized people were named after the same calendar. The circle was closed.

Svetlana takes revenge

Source: "My planet"

Since the beginning of the 19th century, when the ballad Vasily Zhukovsky "Svetlana" has come out, his name is rapidly gaining popularity. But they proposed to baptize a child, which had a similar meaning, but Fotinia, which was completely different from the point of view of sound – it was part of the calendar (φῶς of ancient Greek – "light").

The Church Herald newspaper wrote: "In 1900, the Holy Synod twice received requests for authorization to name the claimants' daughters as Svetlana, but the Holy Synod did not found no reason to satisfy the aforementioned demands because Svetlana does not have a name in the Orthodox calendar ". But it seems that the Holy Synod once made an exception – for the commander of the fortress Peter and Paul Alexander Ellis, who also commanded the cruiser Svetlana. He was allowed to call that a girl.

Svetlana thus officially came on the scene after the revolution, when the restrictions imposed on the churches were lifted. At this point, she took revenge. The name has been kept at the peak of popularity since the late 1930s and again in the 1950s and 1970s. The fact that Stalin himself named his daughter in 1926 and after him Bukharin, Molotov and other party leaders promoted it in particular. By the end of the 1930s, Svetlana had 22 newborns out of 1,000.

Holy calendar "red"

Source: "My planet"

The revolution has turned everything. Including the tradition of naming. After the adoption of the Decree on the Separation of the Church between the State and the School in 1918, the right to register a birth was transferred to the registry offices, whose tasks included only the registration of a name, but not censorship. Full freedom has come – yet call Crocodile. This has resulted in an unprecedented increase in the number of names of people in the history of Russian anthroponymy (the totality of a person's proper names). The researchers later called this phenomenon "anthroponymic explosion".

Antennas, ideas, freedoms, diamonds, decembrists and geniuses appeared. Those who lacked imagination, the new government decided to help. Writer Lev Ouspensky recalled: "At one point, in the twenties and early thirties of our century, several brave attempts were made to create something like the" Soviet calendar "for the population of our country. Over the years, various publishers have published numerous calendars containing, so to speak, lists of recommendations for new names. These lists included a large number of sentences; among them, there were some very good ones. But also among them there was like Electrification, Chemisation, Dneproges or Magnitostroï. Opening day Military Military Academy at Saint PETERSBOURG The parents were offered the feminine name Academ. And the day of the British railway workers' strike served as a pretext for the creation of Zheldory. The proletarian printing press has been asked to glorify the polygraph and the polygraph, so that Bulgakov with his polygraph Polygraphic is not at all a satirist, but a natural realist.

Girl named Lenin

Source: "My planet"

Of course, to a large extent, the dates concerning the founders Marxism-Leninism and the leaders of the proletariat: Maels – "Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin", Vilorik – "V. I. Lenin, the liberator of the workers and peasants ", Vilyur -" Vladimir Ilyich loves his homeland ", Stator -" The triumphs of Stalin. "In naming it, the parents subjected the children to a sort of stigma that determined So, a girl called Edil, which meant "this girl by the name of Lenin".

The other party leaders were also honored and, given the changes, it was of course imprudent.

For example, how did Bukharin live (focus on "i") after the shooting of Nikolai Bukharin? Or Lentrosine, where in the company of Lenin were Trotsky and Zinoviev?

The boy named Air had a better chance in tribute to Alexei Ivanovich Rykov – he then explained to everyone that mum and dad only represented one plant. Oktyabrines and Noybrinam were neutral. By the way, the last was the pbadport name of the wonderful actress Nonna Mordyukova.

What turned whist and sheet

Source: "My planet"

The ancient words acquire a new meaning: the card whist revealed itself to be a "great historical force of work", the usual leaf revolving around "Lenin and Stalin", the "Lenin's Labor Army" band. New meanings have been found in clbadical foreign names. It turned out that Gertrud might well symbolize the work's heroine and Luigi to indicate "Lenin is dead, but the ideas are alive". In the new life, Elina was also useful – "electrification, industrialization", Elmira – "electrification of the world", Zarema – "for the revolution of the world", Renat – "revolution, science, work", sensual Lucius – a reduction of the Revolution and no less hot Kommuner explanations.

However, happy parents of newborns and foreign names are not avoided – of course, in honor of the leaders of the communist movement. The newborns were named after Rosa Luxemburg, Ernst Thalmann and John Reed. Among them somehow Joan of Arc and composer Ravel (so called Ravel) also worked in the same way.

Certainly, for fantasy, there were some limitations. In January 1927, Krasnaya Gazeta reported that the NKVD had issued a circular: parents could only change the name of a child to three years old.

Vani coming back

Source: "My planet"

Traditionally, some names have gained popularity because of literature and cinema, as was the case with Svetlana. Thus, after the release of the film in 1936, Yakov Protazanov "Duty Free" went to the fashion of Larissa. Written in 1940 in the story of Arkady Gaidar, "Timur and his team" introduced the Turkish name of Timur among the number of commonly used names.

In general, in the 1940s, the enthusiasm of the competition to invent the most unusual name was somewhat quieted (perhaps the war that sparked patriotism played a role) and that the traditional Ivan and Marya have taken the stage again. For every thousand boys, there was one hundred Wan and one in three girls became Masha.

The 1960s were marked by many Yuri – in the honor of Gagarin. The intellectuals of Marina appeared – Tsvetaeva, banned, was again allowed to print.

In the 1970s, the Beatles era, stagnation and short skirts were visibly blowing by the west wind – Edik and Alex, Eva, Renata and Zlata appeared. They got along well with Sasha, Sergey, Olya and Lenami, who all the same there was a majority.

Characters, schedules and modified television programs. "Rich people cry too" presented fashion to Veronique, Mariann and Luis. Wheelchair wheeled Izaura, "Just Mary" and the namesake of the heroes of the infinite "Santa Barbara". But, as usual, slightly changing, there remained the spine of simple names, on which exceptions were threaded.

Series in the sandbox

Source: "My planet"

What is happening now? To study the current slice of onomastics (the science of proper names), just visit any playground. Swing on the epic rocker Svyatozar and Dobromysl. Luke and Elisha have quarreled because of cars. Build enthusiastically a sand castle Taisiya, Uliana, Lyubava, William and Sean. Worn numerous Sonya and Alice. But Arya came in the honor of the "Game of Thrones" (12 of them are registered in the Russian Federation).

Already went to school, after attaching white arches, Russia – Kirov, Voronezh, Krasnoyarsk, Yamal. And the first Russian child named Crimea, born in Yekaterinburg, is already three years old.

In general, it seems, like a century ago, a total freedom. But no. In April 2017, the law "amending Article 58 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation and Article 18 of the Federal Act" on the acts of civil status " Was adopted, introducing some restrictions on the parents' imagination. The law prohibits the use of numbers, big words, punctuation and positions when registering a child's name. The ban was triggered in 2002 when the parents called the son of the recall chain RFU 260602 – "a biological object, a man of the family Voronin-Frolov, born on 26/06/2002".

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