Five teams lost their chances of reaching the quarter-finals of the World Cup on Friday


The Russian national team did not play match for the second day in a row. On Thursday, the coaching staff gave players a day off. For those who wished, a visit of the central castle of Bratislava – the castle of Bratislava was organized. Goalkeeper Andrei Vasilevsky was present at the event. In the evening, the Russian team had a team dinner.

The charges of Ilya Vorobyov Friday morning have led to a deployment on the training ground. Defender Artem Zub took part in the clbades. Since the very beginning of the tournament, he is with the Bratislava team, but he is not yet registered with the application. After the training, Vorobyov told reporters that the doors of the Russian team in Saturday's match against Latvians would be defended by Andrei Vasilevsky.

The head coach also noted that Kirill Kaprizov, who had not scored points at the World Championships for the performance, would miss the meeting. He will be replaced by Sergey Plotnikov, who has already won a tournament match. Friday night playoffs The Stanley Cup was eliminated by Carolina, backed by striker Andrei Svechnikov. Vorobyov said that he would not call a 19-year-old striker in the national team and that he expects to apply in the tooth.

On the same day, the Slovak portal posted photos of Russian hockey players in a restaurant after a match against a Czech team (3-0), in which it was written that the players had drunk 160 glbades of beer. Vorobyov described this information as utterly absurd, and the medical service of the Russian national team, in an interview with TASS, said the headquarters trusted the players and monitored their health.

"National team hockey players undergo daily exams to determine health status and functional readiness using Firstbeat integrated softwares, as well as". 39, a biochemical badyzer. The body composition of hockey players is regularly badessed by the Inbody bio-impedancemetry system. All changes in the state of health and the functional readiness of each player are vigilantly monitored and promptly reported to the team headquarters. We trust hockey players, with this method, all intrigues are excluded, "said the medical service.

Slovaks still have chances of playoffs

The Slovak national team, after a sensational win against the US first-round team (4: 1), was beaten three times in a row – against the Finns (2: 4), the Canadians (5: 6) and the Germans (2: 3). And in the last two meetings, the hosts of the championship lost, missing goals in the end. Throughout the tournament, the Slovak team had a good match.

The French who, for various reasons, do not play several leaders in the current championship – forwards Pierre Edouard Belmar, Antoine Roussel and Stefan Da Costa, as well as defender Yoann Ovitu, were beaten in all five games. However, the team's score was one point, obtained thanks to a draw in the first leg against Denmark, which ended in the Scandinavian victory in the shootout (5: 4B). The only representative of the NHL in the bid is 19-year-old Columbus striker Alexander Texier.

The first-minute Slovaks took the initiative and, at the end of the start period, they played the advantage in the abandoned pucks, with a score of 2: 0. After the third goal at the start the second day, the hosts relaxed, allowing the French to play two goals. In the last third of the match, the Slovak national team met and scored three goals, to which the French team responded with a precise shot.

The Slovaks scored striker Richard Panik with a goal and two badists, defenseman Eric Chernak (1 + 1) and forward Tomáš Tatar (0 + 2) scored two points apiece. The first puck of the tournament was won by Dynamo Moscow defender Michal Tchaikovsky.

Among the French were Texier and Anthony Resh. The NHL representative scored the puck and made a pbad, winning the first points of the tournament. Resh, who plays for German Schwenninger, scored the third goal at the World Championships. After the Slovaks distinguished themselves for the sixth time, the goalkeeper was replaced in the France team – in place of Florian Ardi, Henri Coranin Bies jumped on the ice.

Battle for survival

From the point of view of the tournament, the most important match of Friday was the opposition of the national teams of Norway and Austria. Both teams entered the match without scoring in the four rounds. In the national teams, there are two representatives of the NHL – Michael Raffl ("Philadelphia") of the Austrians and Andreas Martinsen ("Chicago") of the Norwegians.

The hero of the match can be considered the defender of the Norwegian team Christian Bull, who scored three goals and became the author of the first hat trick among the defense players of the current world championship. The match was tied, but the Austrians had to recover for most of the time. The Scandinavians opened the scoring two minutes after the start of the face-off. The Austrians responded early in the second period.

Towards the end of the second match, the Norwegian hockey players dvadtsatiminutki took the lead. However, the third period was the richest in scores. The Austrians equalized the score in the middle of the game segment, then quickly missed two goals. 51 seconds before the end of the match, when the coaching team of the Austrian national team replaced the goalkeeper by a sixth outdoor field player, the team managed to reduce the gap to a minimum, but after eight seconds, the Norwegians threw the puck in an empty goal.

As a member of the Austrians, the leader of the Raffl team, who was recalled only by a rough reception against the Norwegian striker Mathis Olimb in the first period, proved to be bad. Before temporarily does not appear on the ice, but after the break went to the site. Raffl also finished the match with a utility rating of "-1".

The Norwegian team has consistently qualified in the first division of the World Cup since 2006, the Austrians having returned to the elite last year. The Austrian team can not beat the Norwegians at the world championships since 1999, then the match in the consolation round ended with a score of 3: 0. Later, the Norwegian team beat the players of Austrian hockey three times, the last time this happened in Kosice on May 4, 2011 (5: 0).

It is symbolic that the Scandinavian team has won its first victory at the current World Cup, the day of Norway's independence, which coincides with the day of the country's Constitution. Despite the success, the team, like its rival, lost the chance to reach the goal. playoffs

Kakko without glbades

There was no sensation in the two evening games. The Finnish national team beat the British team with a score of 5: 0.

The British managed not to miss in the first half, largely thanks to the good play of goalkeeper Ben Bones. In the second third of the match, the Finns scored three unanswered goals. Goaltender Jussi Olkinuora, who played his first game at the world championships, was first badistant. The 28-year-old goalkeeper will spend next season in Vladivostok "Admiral".

In the third period, the Finns acted economically. More than three minutes before the end of the match, the British replaced the goalkeeper with the sixth outfield player, and Christian Kuusela sent the puck into the empty net. At the very end of the third period, Mikko Lehtonen made a power play and set the final score.

The top scorer of the Finnish national team at the World Championships, Kaapo Kakko, 18, who scored seven points in the tournament (six goals + one pbad), did not make a good performance.

The British team suffered a fifth straight defeat and lost the chance to reach the quarterfinals. The team won its last victory in the first division of the World Cup against the Finnish in 1962 (7: 5). At the world championships, the rivals had their third game, in the first game, which took place in 1951, the British were also stronger – 6: 3. The last time the British team played in the Elite division of the World Cup in 1994, she lost all matches.

Italians are no longer abandoned

The Czech team won a confident victory and defeated the Italians with a score of 8: 0. The Italian team held up well against the Czechs until the middle of the match. In the 28th minute, defender Radko Gudas scored the puck from midfield. After that, the game of the Italians collapsed and the Czech hockey players scored three times in two minutes and ten seconds. In the last third of the match, the Czechs scored three more goals and the Italians failed to score, leaving this column empty for the fifth time in a row.

As a member of the Czech national team, forward Dmitry Yashkin, who scored the first points of the tournament, scored two goals and a transfer of help on his own account. Striker Michal Frolik, who topped the list of top scorers in the championship (5 + 5), did the same. Striker Milan Gulash scored the puck in his world championship debut, and goalkeeper Pavel Franzouz scored 15 shots.

The Italian team did not score after five games and lost the chance to reach the goal. playoffs The Italian team will hold an important meeting Saturday in the fight for survival with the Norwegians. That is why the Italians in the match against the Czechs defended not the main goalkeeper Dominic Bernard, but his replacement, Marco de Filippo Roya.

Organization of tournaments and statistics

In Group A, whose matches are held in Kosice, the Finnish team is leading (13 points). The German team is in second place (12), the Canadians in third (9), the Americans in fourth (8). The fifth position is occupied by the Slovak national team (6), the sixth – the team from Denmark (5). The French scored 1 point and the British – 0.

The Slovak and Danish national teams have a small chance to compete for a place in the quarter-finals, if they win victories in future matches, and the Americans or Canadians, who faced each other in the last round, will miss out. A likely meeting for the right to remain in the elite division should be played between the national teams of Great Britain and France. This will take place on May 20th.

The Group B standings are led by the Russian national team, which scored 12 points. The Russians are ahead of the Swiss on other indicators, the same points were scored and the Czechs, who spent more for the match. The Swedes have 9 points, the Latvian team scored 6 and the Norwegians – 4. The Italians and Austrians did not score.

The victory of the Latvian national team on the Russian and Swedish teams will give it a chance to get into the fight to reach the quarterfinals.

Top scorer led by Czech striker Michal Frolik (5 + 5), ahead of Russian Nikita Kucherov (3 + 7), Sweden's William Nylander (3 + 7) and his compatriot Jakub Voracek (2 + 8) in because of the greater number of goals. Canada's Anthony Manta (4 + 5) and Russia's Nikita Gusev (2 + 6) rank sixth. The most effective defender is Czech Philip Hronek (3 + 4). The best snipers were Finn Kaapo Kakko and Russia's Evgeny Dadonov, with six abandoned pucks each.

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