"For whom I did not work – I even installed monuments in the cemetery". As a distributor of Zhodino decided to change profession and went to IT


Seven years ago, a recent college graduate, Dima, thought the diploma would open all doors immediately. Now he smiles at his naivety. And then all year I have been looking for work, interrupted by random earnings, that friends have been throwing up. And then, when he decided to change his field of activity, it took six years to find this dream place.

Dmitry left Zhodino at the age of 15. After Grade 9, I entered the Higher Communication College to be engaged in the maintenance of telecommunication networks in the future. Four years ago, he finished and decided that it would be better to become a marketer. Crusts were added and a diploma of higher education.

– Work began in the student days, though, it was various jobs-incomes, nothing permanent, – he says. – The real quest for work began after I graduated. I did not have the cast, so I had to find the place myself. Who knew that a person with higher education was useless for anyone? 2011, the crisis and the paradoxes of the Belarusian labor market: a young specialist without professional experience is not necessary. And where do you get that experience, if you literally finished your school yesterday? Almost a year, I hovered in the clouds and thought I would still find work in my university specialty. But he never found it.

"I retreated to nowhere – it was a big mistake"

A year later, the guy decided to change his sphere. He liked everything about computers, so he decided to go to computer science. But how to enter this sphere, having absolutely no experience and no particular knowledge? Dima decided to start with a simple

– Some friends have suggested that the education department in Zhodino needs a system administrator. Decided to try. They took me away and went home, he remembers. – The salary was small, but gained experience. In parallel, he oversaw the vacancy and saw that one of the metro project institutes needed a system administrator. I sent a resume – they took me. I worked there for two years. The organization is great, so in such a short time I have had the time to acquire experience. Over time, I realized that I had to go beyond this organization, and went out to nowhere. It was a big mistake.

This error led to the fact that the guy started an epic with a search for employment. He said that periods of unemployment could last up to three or four months, one had to seize every opportunity to earn money.

– The only thing I did was repair the car parts, build, bademble the different trolleybus Dmitri shakes his head. – But where was it? Money is needed, something permanent in the future was not – it's better than sitting on parents' necks.

The guy tried to open his company on the computer profile, but the first experience was far from positive. The young entrepreneur began to slip, the problem of deductions to the Social Protection Fund was particularly acute.

– If you only work as an IP, you have to pay 35% of the minimum wage to the FPSN, regardless of whether you have an income or not. At that time, it was 73 rubles a month (the minimum wage was then 210 rubles), he explains. – Then there was a law on parasitism, and I considered that it was cheaper to pay this tax than every month to make a contribution to the FSZN

"I do not mean anything bad from the factory. "

In the end, Dima decided to close the IP and return to Zhodino. He says that at that time he had no opportunity to procure Minsk. In the yard was in 2014. Yes, there were exercises, but he did not find normal work to feel good in the capital (rent an apartment and live one way or another)

– I had to go home. Consciousness. Well, how are you doing: you are an adult, you are between 26 and 27 years old, but you do not find normal employment and sometimes you have to use the support of your parents? On the other hand, there was such a situation in the job market, and there is nothing to do, even if you broke it, – the guy gets up hands.

A vacancy of the system administrator was opened in Zhodino. Dima decided to go there. The salary was still low (about 250-300 rubles), but there was no other way out. Admittedly, Dima's factory was not particularly impressed.

– I do not mean anything bad about the factory, but there neither the salary was up to par or technology, – says the guy. – There were computers running Windows 98.

Literally, a year later, the guy realized that he was bored at the factory he has again pbaded his place. Then Dima continued her search. He found a more or less good place in IT two years ago: he settled in a large data center. Worked in the surveillance department. I had a very good experience because there are not many organizations of this kind in the country. However, after a while, he realized that he wanted to move on and started looking for work.

"I realized that I am not a superstar and that I still have a lot to learn"

send over 600 CV in Russian and English, spend dozens of hours on test missions and as much on interviews.

– Many organizations make a selection in two stages. I had a second interview when three or five people came there, and being among them is a good level. But something was missing, and they did not take me. It was a shame, after the tenth directly desperate interview: well, how's it going? But then again he took charge and responded to the vacancy, he explains. – In fact, looking for a good job for me has also turned into work: you learn to write a resume, read articles and literature on how to perform business correspondence, …

. After all, you can be a great specialist, but if you can not talk about it, no one will know it. The essential thing is not to overdo it and not to invent it. Everywhere there is a probationary period, and lies will come again. And in general, you can even present your disadvantages as advantages: for example, you do not know anything, but you are stubborn and ready to learn new things.

– To be honest, after going through so many interviews, you will know your place. that you hold in the profession, – the guy shares his experience. – Plus, you understand what they want from you and what you still need to do. I've, for example, realized that I was not a fool, but during that time I had a good experience, despite the lack of a profile of it. 39, higher education. But he realized that he's not a superstar and that I still have a lot to learn.

"Some will say that six places of work in seven years are very numerous"

The last breakthrough of the current good job (and it is the seventh by place of account) Dima committed in May l ". last year – tried to break through the courses of the ERA. And he did it. True, in his 28 years, he was one of the oldest of the group. The courses were completed in December of last year, and since January, the guy has already officially installed in a large computer company in the capital.

– Until now, I am satisfied with everything and everything. Dmitry smiled. – Some will say that six places of work in seven years, that's a lot. Probably, but you can not do anything about it. I would be happy to find the right place and work there from the beginning, but that did not happen

Regarding the desire of computer scientists, my environment does not Is not. And the comments on the forum … Yes, I see that they envy the salaries, but do not forget it, although the computer field is today one of the most profitable but computer scientists do not fall from the sky. People are constantly recycling, studying, taking clbades and working very, very hard to get results.

Yes, the work is complex and difficult. But you know what's great? No matter who can come into this sphere, regardless of his age. Nothing is impossible. Just under a recumbent rock, the water does not flow, and each person is the architect of his own happiness. Guided by these two principles, I have not stopped. Although he had spent years, but that he had found what he had been looking for for a long time

Jobs on the "Flea Market" Onliner.by

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