Former Councilor Macron is detained for beating a protester


Alexander Benalla, former deputy director of the administration of President Emmanuel Macron, was arrested on Friday, July 20, following an alleged beating of a protester on May 1, 2018. On the eve of Benallah, he was first removed from office for two weeks and then fired.

As has been learned from judicial sources, Alexandre Benallou is suspected of having "used violence", "hijacked official duties" and "illegally harboring distinctive signs". official. "

As RFI wrote, the newspaper Le Monde published on its website a video of the demonstration of May 1, 2018 in the 5th arrondissement of Paris, which shows how Benalla beats a member of the action that drags on the ground 9659004] ???? ALERT POLITICAL VIOLENCE

ROTATE IT MUST BE EVERYONE SEE !! #Policies Violences # 1May

– Taha Bouhafs? (@T_Bouhafs) May 1, 2018

The Paris Public Prosecutor opened a preliminary inquiry. Since then, another more detailed video has appeared on the internet, in which Benalla first strikes a young woman.

On this list, on Friday, July 20, the suspicion of "illegally obtaining images from a CCTV system" also increased. With Benalla, three senior officers of the French police are suspected of illegally using security camera images. According to AFP, they could have given the suspect video footage taken at the time of the events

The French Minister of the Interior, Gerard Collon, strongly condemned the actions of police officers suspected of broadcasting the video to Alexander Benalla. The MIA statement said the minister learned of the suspicions against the police on Thursday night, after which they were suspended from office. Nevertheless, reports AFP, according to unconfirmed information received by the French press, Gerard Collon was aware of what happened on May 2. Benoit Amon, former candidate for the presidency of the French Socialist Party, asked for the resignation of the minister

Simultaneously with Benalla, Constable Vincent Kraz is tried, who was also placed in police custody

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