Fortnite players watched a unique event and died cunning kids


This weekend in Fortnite multiplayer action took a unique event – the launch of the missile with its spectacular visual phenomenon in the sky. The event was unique: in Epic Games noted that it will no longer be. For an important event, the players announced a tacit truce – instead of traditional sich they just looked at the sky. But they still spoiled the party.

Several players started the battle either on purpose or by not understanding why no one is fighting. Taking advantage of the situation, they organized a sweep of the site and killed almost all the other players who were looking at the sky.

The extent of the intelligent players was such that Fortnite updated the record of the killed characters by a user in the match – 48 people. The players have already had the time to wish this player a lot of different things. The rocket will not be restarted: as promised by the developers, the event had to be organized only once.

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