Four years ago, a student from Minsk did not take the bus to Warsaw. Recently, an invoice arrived for this – 3 000 euros


On the eve of the summer of 2014, Nikita bought a ticket for a bus from Minsk to Warsaw. On the hands, a pbadport with a new Schengen visa 2 years old. The student did not pay attention to the fact that the visa had been opened on June 2nd. Bus driver – too. And the Polish border guards were more attentive. They landed Nikita and sentenced the carrier MinskTrans to pay a fine of 3,000 euros. And those – thrown (by court decision) debt on the student. Nothing like?

– I was 21 years old – Nikita remembers the carefree past. – I studied at the university and I just wanted to avoid the couples on Saturday to go to Warsaw – see the city and go for a walk. I received the visa two weeks ago and I was in the middle of waiting for a good weekend.

Friday night, I got on the bus, showing my ticket, a pbadport with a visa. We crossed the Belarussian border quite quickly, but the Polish border let everyone enter slowly. The tour of our bus has come. They all collected pbadports. Suddenly, a Polish border guard entered the bus and said that a person did not have a visa. And called my name.

I'm excited. I was driven somewhere in a Polish building. Together we waited for the drivers. They scared me with heavy fines and asked me how I did not look at the number. And what can I answer? I just made a mistake. The drivers themselves did not understand how they had not checked.

About two hours later, they called me in the room where the border guard asked questions and wrote them on a computer. He asked me if the driver had checked my pbadport and visa. I replied in the affirmative and indicated the person who had done it.

Everything is over in the morning. After having kept about six hours, the Polish border guards put me in a car that was pbading in the direction of Brest. When I arrived at Brest train station, I bought a train ticket to Minsk and I finally went to university.

No consequences have come. I have more than once traveled with this European visa. It could have been an interesting adventure without the letter that arrived four years later.

He stated that a decision had been taken by a Frunzensky district court on 25 September 2015: I am charged 6,444.83 rubles in favor of the Ministry of Transport.

Nikita says he did not believe his eyes because he was not in court and did not contact the carrier since then:

– Dad and I started all the work and went to "Minsktrans". The reason for the letter was the same failed trip. The carrier was fined 3,000 euros and fined. The head of the department informed us that we could no longer appeal this decision because it was in 2015, and suggested we pay the amount in several times, we decided to think about it.

Nikita began to search and came across an article about two people in Grodno. The same lawyer, Sergey Garusov, was found.

– After reviewing the file there was no doubt about his own innocence, – Nikita tells. – The case presented a copy of the decision of the commander of the Polish border guards in which both drivers acknowledged their guilt and clearly indicated that the fine had been imposed on a professional carrier because he had not taken all the necessary measures to avoid this situation.

"Minsktrans" did not appeal, but fined me in the Frunze court. In addition, the decision stated that I did not appear in court, even if it had been notified to me. At the same time, the case contained only a notice to the Ministry of Transportation and did not mention any notification, and I heard about it three years later.

We filed an application for cancellation of the decision of absence. At first I was delighted, but despite all our arguments, after two sessions, the judge made a decision that was not in our favor.

Nikita wonders what right everything has happened. He added that the Poles had initially imposed a fine, not because of the lack of a visa, but to a professional carrier who had to take all necessary measures to avoid such situations.

"And instead of accepting their mistake and improving the verification process, they just want to offset their expenses at my expense," young man surprised.

After that, Nikita and a lawyer filed an appeal in the city court.

At the beginning of last year, the same incident occurred in Grodno. We wrote in detail about him. The amount was twice as high, because there were two pbadengers. As a result, the Grodno Regional Court issued a different decision than Minsk. Pbadengers received a thousand euros (in rubles), the driver four thousand.

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