Free Fortnite developers earn $ 2 million a day


The Fortnite multiplayer game is considered one of the most popular today. According to Sensor Tower, an iOS version of Fortnite brings $ 2 million to developers – the calculations were done for 10 days after the start of the fifth season earlier this month. In March, the figure was $ 1.5 million a day

The top was the $ 3 million that fell on July 13 of this year. According to calculations, only a free Fortnite mobile version for iOS reported more than $ 150 million, Gamespot reports.

Apparently, players are actively slashing money for in-game purchases. According to previously published information, Fortnite has generated more than a billion dollars since its launch in 2017. Some badysts suggest that this game, attracting users, will absorb old achievements – CS: GO, Overwatch, League of Legends, etc.

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