Fundraising for a Masha Filich repair treatment »You can help them!


Dear friends, with your help, we managed to raise about 1500 dollars for the rehabilitation of Maria Filić, 9 years old. The next repair treatment for the girl in the intensive care center "Olinek" is scheduled to begin on August 13th, but funds for her payment are still not sufficient. The total cost of the trip is $ 5200.

  Filich Remember that as a result of complicated births, Masha miraculously survived, and doctors' predictions about his life were disappointing. Drug therapy only made the condition worse, so the girl's mother decided to turn to alternative medicine. Unfortunately, Maria does not have enough money to continue treatment in her family.

The story of Maria's letter from her mother:

"The whole pregnancy was disease-free, but birth was difficult, and doctors were not making a decision on emergency cesarean section in time." Despite this, the girl survived, but was very weak. "We do not see why the pediatrician has decided everything – for the child to be vaccinated against hepatitis B. The baby was taken to the intensive care unit in the most difficult conditions.

When I saw my daughter 10 days later, I was shocked. It looked like a bundle of thread, all the good reflexes were missing. He himself did not eat, reacted to anything.

After three weeks of a department of infectious diseases, we were transferred to the Department of Neurology of the RSPC "Mother and Child". The results of the computed tomography scan were shocking. Affected by 50% of the brain, many cysts, haemorrhages. The neurologist then honestly said, "You know, I've been working here for about 20 years, in my practice there were three extremely difficult children. And your child is probably the heaviest. The addiction treatment, which you have named a professor's consultation, can lead to a worse option. Your direction is stem cells, which are now in the research stage. If you want, you may think that your child has a 1% chance, but there is not really one. These children live for 3-5 years under pain, then a deadly result. I can recommend you, as a person and not as a doctor, to look for something of alternative medicine. "

Thank God, I heard then the words "alternative medicine". We were released with a child in a month. Improvements in drug treatment, mbadage and other procedures in the 7th Clinical Hospital have not only worsened. From the mbadage, the child had a preconditioned condition, and we had to refuse.

This, probably, can not be fully conveyed by words. Visually, Masha was almost dead, she only felt strong constant pain due to spasm, she could not do the simplest (drink). As if shouting without words: "Mom, help me!" And inside of me everything has been torn from the realization that I can not do anything, and the doctors can not help it. Only offer anticonvulsant drugs for anesthesia, which eventually becomes addictive, and they stop helping.

At that time, my whole life sank. At one point, there was an understanding that following the pathway of anticonvulsants, I would only watch the body parts atrophy, as the little fist slowly solidifies with hypertension, and I do not can never take it by the palm and stroke the fingers of the children. the eyes of his beautiful eyes.

When that happens, and you just fly into the abyss, you realize how fragile it is – a mere human happiness. Hear the first soft sounds of your baby, his laugh, see the first smile, when this little body softly sleeps and sleeps with a serene infant sleep.

As in a terrible nightmare, the doctors said, "She will never be like her peers!"

We all think, to a certain extent, of a miracle. Sometimes it seems just like the imagination of a child, as a child believes in a fairy tale. But my case is exactly this one. I thank God every time for allowing me to find the right way out of the nightmare (stalemate), constant pains and calls for help. I learned the method "Energy of the universe and the man", and little by little, all this terrible situation became like a mosaic, in a single image, and the missing details appear one after the other.

Over time, I began to feel what the supernatural love of my Masha brings. Once seated, I kissed her and thought came: "We have to take advantage of this period.While we are with her together.Maybe it's only for a few years.Reply feel this love – unconditional, sincere and pure.

The year it snowed in winter, I was just happy with snowflakes, just snow falling – it was so beautiful. I was crying with happiness that Masha was sleeping, and nothing was hurting her. How little is needed for happiness – peace of mind and when the child does not hurt.

All that happened next, I can not characterize it except as a "miracle". Through the use of the "Energy of the Universe and Man" method, Masha has experimented and continues to date all major changes for the better.

At six months, his sight was restored, the tone gradually began to decline, and the body returned to the original physiological state! Strong attacks when she could not eat, drink or lie, and the whole body just twisted, left in 15 minutes. In January 2012, she was removed from the diagnosis: "Pulmonary scoliosis". And in February 2012, virtually removed the second diagnosis: "muscle stiffness on the left side." Although initially, given the most severe degree of torticollis with the presence of two ganglia, there was no chance of healing without surgery. Only the most complicated and painful way of a large number of mbadages, paraffins, folds, necklaces, then (perhaps successfully) a complex operation under anesthesia followed by "gypsum stitching" for six months and, very probably a fatal outcome for a child with severe cerebral palsy. .

Today, I see how my Masha, who has not seen, heard, reacted, understood everything that's going on, ate through the tube and constantly screamed in pain because of Severe attacks, recover.

A pediatrician who observes my child from 3 months of age said, "What I saw made me think twice. As far as we, the doctors, sometimes interfere with the most subtle processes of nature, destroying everything, and the body itself is able to recover. For my 30-year work experience, I see this for the first time. "

Later, the same doctor repeatedly examined, at my request, the child (I consulted him on the exercise therapy), and then we came from the Egyptian dolphinarium ( there was a dolphin rehabilitation course). She said, "You know, feeling that your child does not have cerebral palsy, he is slowly growing up."

Every day I engage with the child, 3 times a week we do hippotherapy, which we use from 3 years in addition to the basic method, and the swimming. We have from the beginning refused treatment of the drug and are grateful to God for the given chance of salvation.

I now see children who were with us in the neurology department. They just had a "scratch" on my child. But today, by choosing the traditional way of treatment, they are deeply disabled people with numerous contractures, unequal length of limbs, convulsions, internal organs destroyed by strong drugs, and so on. They require various operations (joint transplantation, undercutting, etc.). And I understand that if there was no alternative medicine, my child would need a lot of operations and even more equipment.

From the age of 4.5, we began to regularly complete Masha's rehabilitation with dolphin therapy, sand therapy, hydrotherapy and climatotherapy in Egypt. This allowed the child to recover more intensely. After coming to Egypt in April-May 2014, it was completely different. The healing effect of the most dolphin therapy in combination with the sea, the right temperature, moisture and pressure (it would seem, not global factors) have made it incredible. At the end of the course, her body changed completely: many non-working muscle groups joined the work and started working harmoniously with everything else.

Every rehabilitation course completed in Egypt has beautifully helped Masha. This is a clear dynamic in physical development. To know: to reduce the tension of the muscles of the lower limbs and the scapular belt. As a result: the child was able to stay in the water for a long time, actively engage and train the muscular muscles. This is a pronounced progress in psycho-emotional development: the emergence of conscious emotions, ecstasy, confirmation, general renewal, verbal and verbal communication. There was a need for communication with other children and awareness of themselves in society as part of the age standard. This is a prolonged visual and auditory focus. There was an interest in tactile sensations. Strengthening of the back muscles and restoration of the motor and vocal functions have disappeared.

These courses of continuous rehabilitation have given the maximum results, consolidating the skills already acquired and allowing them to acquire new ones. Of course, all this is a long process, a difficult daily job. Much has been done on this path, but much remains to be done.

I express my deepest gratitude to all those who support and support us, to all who understand and see this situation in a real light, to all who help to move forward and believe in this opportunity.

Now, Masha has been recommended to undergo a second rehabilitation in the intensive care center "Olinek" (Warsaw, Poland) with a total cost of 19230 PLN (including accommodation) for stimulation of the patient. motor activity and sensory integration. The course will begin on August 13, 2018

Supporting Documents >>>

The public utility accounts are opened in the branch 510/369 of the "OJSC" Belarusbank "- Minsk, ul. Khoruzhey, 8; UNP 100633430; BIK AKBBBY21510;

In beautiful. rubles: No. BY85 AKBB 3134 0000 0090 6512 0369
(Transit account number BY05 AKBB 3819382100008 510 0000 – indicated only when the funds are transferred by legal entities or not from Belarusbank)

Purpose of payment: To be credited to a charity account in the name of Filich Svetlana for the treatment of his daughter Filić Maria

It is possible to reconstruct the balance of MTS with using or in any other appropriate manner: (+37533) 3930615 (hereinafter the funds will be transferred to an account of charity via the iPay service)

Tel. Mother: 8 (033) 3930615, Svetlana

Author: TUT.BY
\ tags: Masha Filić

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