GAI detained drunk driver minibus "Minsk – Grodno"


Traffic police officers arrested a drunk driver from a fixed-route taxi, reports the department of internal affairs of the UGAI of the Grodno oblast's executive committee. The incident occurred on July 20 at kilometer 245 of the Minsk-Grodno motorway near Skidel.

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<figcaption> The picture is illustrative. Photo: </figcaption></figure>
<p>  In the field of vision of the inspectors was a Peugeot car with yellow registration plates. It turned out that the 46-year-old Minsk driver was drunk. In his body, more than 0.5 ppm of alcohol was found. </p>
<p>  According to the offender, he had consumed alcohol the day before the incident. In the morning, in flight, he did not feel any signs of intoxication </p>
<p>  The traffic police pointed out that the driver had endangered not only himself, but also the pbadengers who were traveling along the Minsk road -Grodno. Almost all seats in the minibus were occupied </p>
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