"Guys, I can not pay 30 or 15 thousand." How did the Belarussian woman go to study in the United States at the age of 16?


At age 16, Masha Zabara went to study in the United States. One. At the same time, she received a full scholarship. Himself. "The training of a year costs an apartment and a half in Minsk," says Masha, "so I wrote to the administration and I said that I would not come if I had pay." What has happened, how to participate in the contest helps students make money and how music education in the United States differs from that of Belarus, says Masha at TUT.BY.

  Photo: Masha Zabar's personal archive
Photo: Masha Zabar's personal archive

"If you ask, and people are ready to invest, that's called business, not arrogance"

Mary was born into the family of actor Igor Zabara and cellist Julia Glushitskaya. I did not see any other way than creative. Although there have been attempts: at five, the girl dreamed of becoming a dairy or a pig. And before that, she herself had invented this profession.

At age six, Masha first took a cello in his hands. Mom chose the instrument – the girl did not give up.

– He said, "I'm going to play." Mom replied, "No, I can not stand it!" But I insisted, "Masha smiled." "I think, already in my childhood, I realized that a cello could open a lot of doors. I did not have an audience – I sang so much! But then my mother got trained, and it turned out that I had an absolute audience. It was just necessary to find it.

Since then, Masha has studied the cello every day, which was bigger than the girl herself.But not indulgence: she wanted.Then the piano lessons were connected – at least one hour

– Since I was 7 years old, I went to school alone and, of course, I had to wear the cello myself.Now, by the way When I go out in the street without a tool behind my back, something seems missing and in the back, – the girl smiles.

  Photo: Maria Zabar's personal archive
Maria and his mother Julia Glushitskaya Photo: Maria Zabar's personal archive

At the age of 15, she decided to enter the United States – she did not pay much attention to this subject. I just met a clbadmate who has already studied in America. He advised to write his game on the video and send it to the teacher from whom he was engaged.

– "Maybe she'll invite you," says a former clbadmate. I have long wanted to go to study in an English speaking country, so I signed up and I tried it. The teacher listened to my game and said, "Come next year, for the conservatory, you're still too young, so I'm waiting for you in high school."

Masha started collecting documents. Parents were confused as to why she had everything, but did not interfere.

– The teacher and I wrote a letter to the school. From there came the answer: "Send 60 thousand dollars." I was surprised: "Excuse me, how much?", Then translated into English certificates about my parents' earnings to show: they do not even earn as much. The American side considered my situation. In each new letter, they reduced the amount they had to pay for their studies. In the end, in my broken English, I wrote: "Guys, and for 30, and even for 15 thousand dollars, I can not come to you." As a result, they gave me a full scholarship to study and live. I had to pay only for the visa, insurance and tickets.

This success, says Masha, taught him the essentials – they are not afraid to ask for help

– That's what many people do not know not to do. They are proud, ashamed, think, if you ask for help, and then automatically go down to a lower level. Here in America, it is absolutely not. If you ask, and people are willing to invest in you, this is called business, not petition or arrogance. There is me and a product that I can provide to investors. And in the future, if thanks to their investments, my career can grow, it will come to them in the good sense of the word.

"Competitions were needed even for earnings"

Masha has always wanted to study abroad. But do not run away, says the girl.

– Since my childhood, I have been raised and adjusted to leave. Not in a negative sense. Going out of your country is not the most noble thing. I just wanted to gain experience from other people. In the ancestors of our society, almost a perspective. People are different, of course, but most are similar. I also wanted to know other people – different religions, colors, orientations, etc. And, of course, develop professionally, meet other teachers, see what are the competitions.

  Photo: Masha Zabar's personal archive
Photo: Masha Zabar's personal archive

Masha entered high school for the first time, where she studied for three years. Here, he "grew up" at the conservative level.

– The study lasted from eight in the morning to four in the evening. Before the first semester, we chose science for a whole year. And it's completely different from our system. For example, biology is taught in Belarus at the seventh, eighth, ninth, and so on. clbades. Here – just a year, but in a very intensive and practical way: we have only received the knowledge that can be useful in life. And if you really like the subject, you can take another year at the university level, called "AR".

The curriculum was like this: for example, literature, then a public subject (like a clbad time). room or church), then science, dance and the last two clbades – the practice of the cello. Once a week we were taken by a big car, and we went to university (University of Minnesota), where we were working with a teacher.

There were no reviews on music, theories too. Neither music theory nor harmony. At first, they were not enough for me, but I realized that it was a good opportunity to focus only on practice, contests, speeches, and not thinking about strings and dictations [19659027]. . Participate only trained guys – randomly among them there. And with the technique, everything is fine, and the pieces are learned. Therefore, you must go out and not only show that you can play, and demonstrate that you know how to play in a different way. The judges broke away from their papers and discussions of minor things, listening at the same time with the edge of the ear. This can only be achieved when they see something new, alive.

Clbadical music is often transformed into sport: who will make the transition better, which has a more expressive touch. But this has a limit – there is no limit to creativity.

Competitions were necessary for me, including for the winnings. A thousand, two – such bonuses could be counted in case of victory. First, parents and grandparents helped pay extra expenses, but gradually began to rely on themselves. I was very uncomfortable, because I could stay home and study for free, so I had to sit in my parents' necks. The speeches were a real way to make money, because in another way I could not win even on campus: this would require a different work visa.

  Photo: Masha Zabar's personal archive
High school in Minnesota, an old tradition for graduate girls. Masha – in the background in the center. Photo: Masha Zabar's personal archive

After graduating from high school, Masha decided to go further. I have tried once in 13 higher institutions – it has been accepted almost in all. The girl chose Bard College: here she studies simultaneously at the Conservatory and the Department of Cinematography.

– Bard chose because she could practice two specialties at a time. And the teachers are good. And how beautiful it is here! In addition, I was again given a scholarship from the university.

In the first half, congestion was low. In the second day I decided to tell everyone "yes" to participate in various creative projects and projects, so it was not easy. Now everything is more or less leveled. Every day there is an object. Monday – script writing, Tuesday and Thursday – film history, wednesday – camera shoot, friday – cello.

But, in fact, I am more involved in projects than I am learning. Withdrew a short film, for example. Accidentally, I met in the restaurant with the guys who have heard me play. I started to describe to them the short film I want to take, and they helped me out. Can you imagine how easy it was to find partners for collaboration?

I would like to develop in the cinema and beyond. When I was 9, I played in the movie "New Year's Adventures in July". This became for me in a good sense a huge shock: it was so interesting, unusual and fascinating. Therefore, in the future, I want to work in movies: either make movies, or play them, or write soundtracks. Creating a movie strikes me: it's all art together!

  Photo: Maria Zabar's personal archive "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 900 "data-x-src =" https: //img.tyt. by / n / obshchestvo / 00 / f / masha_zabara_4.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-height =" 540 "data-y-src =" https://img.tyt.by/720x720s /n/obshchestvo/00/e/masha_zabara_4.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "zoom-data =" 1 "height =" 540 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https: //img.tyt. by / 720x720s / n / obshchestvo / 00 / f / masha_zabara_4.jpg "title =" Photo: Maria Zabar's personal archive "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Photo: Maria Zabar's personal archive </figcaption></figure>
<p>  What does not please students? I can not complain about anything. I like intensity, freedom. This is good because it teaches you how to structure your activities. On the other hand, people who do not have enough self discipline, it is very relaxing. But I have a complete order with that. </p>
<p>  Compared with the Belarusian experience, I like everything. Compared with the ideal study that I have in the head … I do not like it costs so much, – finally finds the good girl. The program, by the way, costs $ 72 thousand a year. – Even affluent families can not always afford such education, which drastically reduces the circle of students. And those who decide to pay borrow and pay their whole lives. </p>
<p>  In Belarus, they teach hardcore, and I like it because it helps to grow with adherence and discipline. Here, teachers live well, and they want to awaken in you not a character, but an individuality. Do not "become the best" but "be what it is". Like "it will not work with a cello, it will turn somewhere else". It annoys incredibly. </p>
<p>  On the other hand, there are so many opportunities in America, one of which will become yours forever. This is why the competition is not as high as it may seem. Although, perhaps, I still have a rather superficial vision. </p>
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But not everything is as sweet, of course, as it may seem from the outside. Sometimes, says Masha, there are "acid" periods where you have to prove to yourself first that it can and is worth something.

– They save my thoughts on how I was lucky in the global sense. I have extraordinary parents who do not say that I should stay at home and bring them a glbad of water. Yes, and rather early: they are young and full of energy. I have friends, hands-feet and an absolute hearing. He is also helped by the realization that thanks to my studies in the United States, I was not stuck in one place and at the same time.

Video: Mariya Zabara

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