"Hands behind your back! Get out of the car!" For the bribes held director of the glass factory "Niemen"


According to the information of the main department for the fight against organized crime and corruption of the Ministry of the Interior of Belarus, the director of the famous glbad factory in the country was arrested in flagrante delicto. In addition to him, the head of one of the company's directorates was arrested.

– Officials received bribes from a representative of the commercial structure for an amount of $ 2,400 and $ 1,000 – the ministry reports.

– Illegal compensation was used for the wool supply agreement concluded previously. According to the information available, the detainees received systematic bribes. The amount of compensation depended on the volume of products sold, – added to the department

Now, the investigation panel has initiated criminal proceedings against them. New investigative measures and operational and investigative measures continue to establish all the facts regarding the illegal activity of detainees.

Vladimir Outko is 64 years old. As director of the glbadware "Neman", he did not work for a year: he was appointed to the factory in August 2017. Previously, he worked as a director of the company private Brest "OlexKar", former general manager of KUMPP "Brest City Housing and Utilities" and general manager of RUE "Granit". He received three graduate studies, married, two children.

In 2009, while he was managing director of Granit, Vladimir Outko was suspected of abuse of power and official authority, but the institution of criminal proceedings was refused.

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