Harvey Weinstein was charged with new charges. Now he can get a sentence for life


The story with the American producer is not in a hurry to finish. Today, Reuters reported that the prosecutor introduced Weinstein with new charges. As the agency reports, Weinstein is accused of violating badual violence against another woman who wished to remain anonymous.

This time, a woman whose name was not disclosed claimed to have been raped by a producer in 2006. According to the foreign media, this circumstance could be the reason for the life imprisonment of producer: he was accused of the most serious articles on badual violence

– This accusation is the result of the incredible courage of the survivors of violence, – the prosecutor Cyrus Vance took the floor. – Our investigation continues.

Recall that on May 25, the producer appeared in court in the Manhattan area, but was released on bail of $ 1 million and was ordered to wear a special device to locate his whereabouts

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