Higher than Ukrainian and Kazakh, but lower than Russian and Polish. What does the average salary of Belorussians look like compared to its neighbors?


The National Bank has published an badytical badysis of the country's main economic and monetary trends from January to September. The regulator included reference data on wages in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Onliner reviewed the latest wage data for our closest neighbors and compared them to Belarusian wages.

According to the National Bank, the average salary accumulated in September this year was 963.6 rubles a month. Compared to last September, an increase of 9.4%.

In his report, the regulator says that in Russia the average monthly salary was 42,200 rubles in September (up 7.2% from September of last year). In Ukraine, the cumulative average wage was 9042 hryvnia (+ 12.9%), in Kazakhstan 160,555 tengues (+ 5.5%).

If you translate into Belarusian rubles at the average monthly exchange rate of these currencies, you get the following salary balance: in Russia – 1319 Belarusian rubles; in Kazakhstan – 925 Belarusian rubles, in Ukraine – 678 Belarusian rubles.

And what about neighboring countries of the European Union?

The official Lithuanian statistical portal indicates that in the third quarter, the average monthly salary was 935.7 euros "dirty". As for the average rate of the euro in September, it is around 2310 rubles.

In Latvia, no data are available for the third quarter, but in the second quarter, the average cumulative salary in the country was 1,005 euros, or 2,481 rubles in equivalent.

According to Polish statisticians, the wages accumulated in Poland in September amounted to 4771.86 zł. Based on the zloty rate for September, it is 2730 rubles.

When comparing wages, it is important to consider a nuance. At the present time, the accumulated salary, which is exploited by the Belarusian statistics, does not include 35%, which the employer, as a fiscal agent, lists at the SPF. If the obligation to pay contributions to the FSZN was transferred to the workers, the average salary of the Belarusians in September would be 1,252.68 rubles.

It is also important to understand that tax deductions and deductions differ across countries. Therefore, the "pure" amounts received by the hands in different countries can vary quite strongly with the above.

As a reminder, the Belarusian Prime Minister, Sergei Rumas, said that the average salary in the country should be at least 1025 rubles next year and that state employees should have at least 1025 rubles. 39, at least 820 rubles.

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